Chapter 25

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"This is outrageous! This is not how it's suppose to be!" Irene yelled as soon as she got back into her chambers. "Hyberion!" Irene called out.

"Now what?" The demon appeared.

"What's going on here? Everything's a mess!" Irene exclaimed angrily.

"I already warned you, didn't I?" The demon looked bored as he leaned his back onto the wall. "Once you came back to the past, it's not guaranteed that everything will be the same. Hell, that's the very reason why you came back, right? To change your fate?"

"But not everything! I still want to become the queen!" Irene stated strongly.

The demon scoffed. "Not my problem anymore. Demons like us are limited to control only a single person's life. Meaning, we can't mess with anyone. It's your fault for being so weak. If only you're strong enough, then I could do even much more."

Irene bit her lower lip in frustration. She didn't know why the demon seemed uninterested with her business even though he made a contract with her. She wonder why he offered her to help in the first place. Maybe the demon was after something that she didn't know.

"Alright. I'll handle this. Just give me more powers to control those low level demons. I still need them to distract the empire and create havoc among the nobles." Irene stated.

The demon didn't even replied back and just gave her a couple of enchanted rings which summons the demons and he vanish into thin air. Irene took them and hid the rings. She thought about paying a secret visit to her followers who she brain-washed into thinking that the nobles are evil and oppressive against the common people. Irene have been secretly organizing her own people in order to destroy all the nobles and with the help from the demon, she was slowly gaining the thing that she wanted.

Meanwhile, Jisoo decided to spend her time in the palace library. She thought that the prince wouldn't expect her to be there and it's the perfect hiding place for her. Jisoo scanned the hallways full of the bookshelves until she reached a small space with a window that's overlooking the vast field of grass. The sun shines beautifully against the full glass window and the windowsill was a perfect seat to read.

"Wow." Jisoo quickly went to sit there and admired the view.

"Enjoying the view, mi amore?"

Jisoo's eyes widen and she quickly scanned the room but there was no one. She knew that voice and she was sure that he was here.

"Hyberion." Jisoo called.

"Long time no see, eh? Let's see. Was it since you were executed?" The demon chuckled.

Jisoo was horrified. The demon knew about her coming back to the past. She immediately got the chills remembering what has happened between them. In the past, Jisoo made a contract with Hyberion, wanting to be loved and accepted by everyone but when she first used her black magic, she changed her mind and wanted to break off the contract. Hyberion was outraged when Jisoo had somehow broke off the contract without his acceptance. It was the first time that the demon was rejected and without knowing the reason how. Hyberion found out later that Jisoo was a special entity that he needs to become a more powerful demon. He knew he needed her soul but even before he could take her, she was sent to her death row.

"Why are you here?" Jisoo asked, backing away.

"Why don you think?" The demon smiled, taking a step forward.

"Go away! I won't sign a contract with you!" Jisoo shouted. "Because of you! It was because of you that they accused me of poisoning Irene! You did it!" Jisoo was furious just by thinking about it.

"Oh dear. Are you still upset about that? Don't worry. I won't sign a contract with you. I already found one, you see." The demon smirked. "But it doesn't mean that I won't have you."

***to be continued***

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