scenario ideas/ story timeline

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- a/n: after I've written these I'll make a request page for one shots and once I've made enough one shots I'll Wright boyfriend scenarios for the 2012 turtles....


Mating pt.2



Karaoke night

His favorite candy bar

When you get high

When they get high

When it's your birthday

When it's his birthday

When you dye your hair his color

Comiccon/anime convention

Your favorite songs to listen to together

What their favorite musical is

Taking them to their favorite musical

Second date

Sleepover with April

When he plays with your hair

You scratch their shell's

He gets jealous

You get jealous

When he gets sick

When you get sick

When he does your makeup

When you paint his nails

Spa day

When he proposes

You get married

You start talking about kids


Having children

How Splinter spoils his grandchildren

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