Courting (Mikey)

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Y/n's pov: I felt like I overreacted to Mikey and felt like I had to apologize, Mikey felt the need to as well apparently,  but knowing Mikey he probably blamed himself as the problem.... so when Mikey showed up with a bar of my favorite chocolate brand and a bouquet of orange roses at my apartment door.... I was shocked and surprised, overwhelmed with sadness and joy....

Y/n's pov: "Mikey I - "

Mikeys pov: "Y/n I uh..."

Both: "I'm so sorry, please forgive me...!!!"

Y/n's pov: "Mikey I'm so sorry for yelling at you, I know you were just fighting your instincts, but it's okay now, let's make the most of our time and see where it takes us..."

Mikey's pov: "I love you y/n..."

Y/n's pov: I love you to Mikey...."

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