your reaction to them getting high (all)

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Leo: Your laughing your ass off because your boyfriend thinks that the floor is actual lava and your being burned alive, you definitely record him acting like a fool for blackmail...

Donnie: he's calm on the outside but on the inside he's panicking, this man's not okay, when the drug wears off please give him some love, he'll need it...

Raph: thinks his fingers have become cats and that Felix is a giant alien, thinks you're an even bigger alien, he panicked and broke half of your stuff in your apartment, when he comes out of it he apologizes and helps clean up his mess.....

Mikey: you bought him pizza for his munchies, Mikey acted more hyper than he ever was when he wasn't high, but now it felt like you were incharge of a kindergarten school child that wouldn't shut up.... but you loved him so when the drugs wore off he crashed from his high and fell asleep you just left him on the floor with a pillow and blanket...

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