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Izuku was excited. He hadn't seen his mom since the week of waiting for his acceptance letter and he continued to stay at MeiMei's house afterwards.

Today though, he was excited for a different reason. It was the first day of classes and he and MeiMei had even walked to school together (because you literally live with her Izuku. The fuck you making it sound like you met up at the train station for?). Overall, he was ready to cause some chaos with his sister in all but blood (and legality you dumbass).

The Chaos Duo, as they have rightfully dubbed themselves, walked through the halls of U.A. heading straight for their classroom; 1-H. Turning a corner they noticed a scraggly looking homeless man with a white scarf around his neck walking in their direction.

Izuku instantly recognized who it was and whispered to MeiMei, "That's Eraserhead."

MeiMei giggled in excitement, "Are you going to mess with him?"

"Obviously. So just follow my lead." Izuku affirmed.

Picking up his pace a little, Izuku stopped in front of the hero.

"Excuse me sir are you perhaps lost?" Izuku looked up at the hero, his face portraying the look of a kid asking an innocent and harmless question.

The hero, in return, scrutinized Izuku and huffed out, "No kid. I'm not lost, I'm supposed to be here."

Izuku put an index finger to his chin and tilted his head to the side slightly, "Are you sure? I heard dementia runs high in old men." Izuku's voice held a teasing note to it, but he still kept up the innocent act.

It was then that MeiMei decided to join in, "Zuzu is the man ok? Do his nurses know he's out of the nursing home?" She too took on an air of innocence and harmlessness.

Eraserhead just huffed down at the two of them.

"Maybe we should call a teacher and ask if they know where his nurses are!" Izuku said with the tone of someone who just had an amazing idea. The Chaos Duo heard the hero grumble, not able to get by because the two were blocking him in.

Izuku pulled out his phone and pretended to go to the U.A. website to search for a phone number he already had memorized. Punching in the numbers, he held the phone up to his ear. It rang through twice before the familiar voice of Present Mic sounded through.

Shouta grumbled as he walked down the hall. It was the beginning of the school year and he was really hoping he could find the troublesome vigilante before the end of the semester.

Wolf in the night | KamiDeku/DekuKami |Where stories live. Discover now