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Izuku races into the labs on the Monday after the Sports Festival, his notebook in hand as he makes his way to his table. MeiMei has yet to arrive, but that's fine, he can just begin working without her.

She won't like it, obviously, but he needs to get working or he's probably going to lose focus and get distracted with something that's not his inventions.

Izuku is nose deep and zoned in on screwing in the last screw to his invention when a voice that's noticeably not MeiMei's speaks up from next to him. His brain doesn't compute what the voice actually says but it does recognize it as something that's not supposed to be in the labs as early as he is.

That's why, when his hand loses its grip on his new and improved gas bomb and on immediate contact with the ground ( another thing he'll need to fix apparently ) it explodes and Izuku begins coughing.

" Shit ." He curses through coughs.

He stands from his stool and hurries to the windows, opening them all and then hurrying to the fan and turning it on when he aims it towards the open windows. When the gas is cleared, he looks at the owner of the voice that made him drop his bomb and sees Goldie, standing sheepishly near his workbench.

"Sorry. I didn't think you would get startled, or that that would happen." Goldie says, rubbing the nape of his neck.

Izuku sighs. "It's fine, honestly it helped to know that it exploded on impact with the ground. It's something I'm going to have to fix, but how would I go about doing it—"

Denki watches as Izuku's words fall off into a mutterstorm. He doesn't know what expression he wears as he watches Izuku begin to move around the classroom, looking for things Denki doesn't even know the name of.

All he knows is he could watch Izuku do what he does forever and be happy. He thinks a small part of him would be fine staying friends if only he got to watch Izuku, but a larger part of him knows that being friends and only ever being friends would hurt a lot.

Denki doesn't know how long he stands there, watching the green haired boy flit around the classroom when he's suddenly knocked over by said boy.

"Ah! Sorry! Forgot you were here! Why didn't you say something? No, not important. Do you need anything? Do you need costume upgrades? Did we already talk about that? Let me check my notes." Denki watches as Izuku rushes back to his work station and looks through the mess on it before he pulls something that's noticeably not a notebook out from it. "Oh! There it is! I was looking for that! I thought I had lost it! No, wait, costume plans for Goldie."

Izuku sets the object down and starts flipping through his notebook once he locates it, mumbling the nickname he gave Denki while doing it.

"No plans but I do have suggestions." Izuku says eventually, coming back toward Denki and showing him the suggestions.

"See, I looked at your original design and what you asked for and it was essentially just clothes you could buy at the store, just higher quality fabric, which, not good. Have you ever thought of using less electricity like a taser? You don't have to go all out every time you use your quirk or else you'll be a one-and-done hero and won't make it very long in the industry."

Wolf in the night | KamiDeku/DekuKami |Where stories live. Discover now