40.) Seeing Her Again

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"Don't be nervous, you two look great!" Raine encourages as they walk through the corridors. Audra decided to join them and she leads the way with Raine.

"I didn't even know what business casual meant before today." Luz says nervously.

"Just wait for our signal before you walk into the room." Eda sighs.

"I'm gonna vomit." Ellie whispers to Luz.

"Please don't vomit on the nice floors." Luz whispers back.

"My hands are sweating." Ellie tells her.

"It's gonna be alright, just smile." Luz tries.

"Smile? I can't smile."

"Your resting face is terrible, Elle. Do you want him to think you're gonna bite his head off?" Eda speaks up.

"My resting face isn't that bad." Ellie defends.

"It kind of is." Raine agrees.

"Smiling is so unnatural right now. My hands are sweating and shaking like I'm on coke." Ellie worries.

"We're here. You two, wait for the signal and don't chicken out." Eda nods as she points to a door up ahead.

"You chicken out in front of Blight Manor one time." Luz grumbles.

"Uncle Hunter!" Audra cheers as she runs into the room.

"Ducky!" He cheers back as Ellie's eyes shoot to look at Luz.

"Don't panic." Luz whispers.

"I can't help it." She hisses before their attention is drawn back to the room.

"Move your big head." Luz pushes Ellie to see.

"Your head is bigger than mine!" Ellie whispers.

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"What brings you guys here?" Hunter asks.

"We just wanted to see you!" Raine laughs.

"And we have a situation." Eda nudges him.

"This is why we can't have nice things." Luz grumbles.

"We can both see. Maybe if you didn't bring up my humongous head, we wouldn't be fighting." Ellie complains.

"What situation?" Hunter asks.

"The cue is coming, just listen." Luz whispers.

"Duh." Ellie rolls her eyes.

"Don't freak out but we have a surprise for you." Eda says the cue as Ellie and Luz stand up straight.

Luz leads the way as the two walk out. They stand a few feet away from Hunter nervously. Ellie can practically feel her legs trying to give out on her as he stares at her specifically. Then she realizes she forgot to smile so she pulls a very fake one out of her ass. The only thought on her mind is how good he looks. His hair isn't too different except it's grown out on the sides but it's wonderful.

"Surprise!" Luz cheers awkwardly.

"I'm just gonna apologize right off the bat." Ellie says before clearing her throat.

"I didn't know you guys were gonna come back." He says nonchalantly.

"We didn't either. You know Mr. X from Amphibia?" Luz asks.

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