25.) Follow You Down (in Walmart)

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A/N: the entire beginning section is literally just for me because i wanted to write it (so is every other time they talk about amphibia)

"Last minute shift! Arlene's here, everyone behave and I'll be home later tonight." Camila says from the doorway.

"Bye, mamá!" Luz calls from the couch.

"I can't believe we're about to finish season two." Hunter shakes his head.

"The tower is gone? Just like that?" Gus asks, watching intently.


"Did I not say she was moving? I totally called it." Amity shakes her head.

"This part breaks my heart every time." Luz says with tears in her eyes.

"Come on, they have to defeat Andrias." Willow sits up more.

"HE HAS A BIG FIRE SWORD?" Amity shouts.

"Grimepop for the win." Gus laughs.

"Yulivia, my beloved." Luz says.

"NOT THE BABY." Hunter and Amity yell at the same time.

"No, no, no." Willow whispers.

"SHE HAS LEGS!" Hunter cheers.

"I'm sweating so much." Amity shivers.

"No, Sprig!" Hunter says as he watches.

"It's okay, they put the box back." Amity nods.

"That's the thing about friends, isn't it? The more you love 'em, the more it hurts when they go. Allow me to demonstrate." Andrias speaks from the TV as Hunter stands up again.

"ELLIE! YOU- YOU- WHAT? YOU DIDN'T." He says as everyone starts crying.

"SHE HAS POWERS?" Amity yells.

"Sprig is okay!" Willow cheers.

"Someone tell her that Sprig is okay." Gus says with his eyes peeled to the screen.

"You're all gonna lose it in a minute." Luz speaks up.


"I just need to-" Marcy says on the show.


"What? No. No, no, no, he didn't. HOW IS THIS ALLOWED?" Hunter speaks up.

"I thought this was a kids show." Amity speaks, horrified.

"They're in the human realm?" Gus asks.

"THAT'S HOW THEY'RE GONNA END IT?" Hunter yells as the episode ends.

"Break time!" Luz says before standing up with their popcorn bowl.

"End of part two? End of part two? This isn't okay." Gus shakes his head.

"I was gonna ask if you wanna sneak out and go driving but now I'm just sad." Hunter leans back into the couch and turns to Ellie.

"Marcy's cool, she can take it. Let's go." She smiles before standing up.

"Absolutely no remorse for her, it's heartbreaking." He shakes his head as he stands up to join her.

"I've had that scene replaying in my mind for months, you'll be okay." She laughs, leading the way to grab the spare key.

"Would you say that if I got aggressively stabbed?" He asks.

"I hope not. I don't know, I can't control what I say ninety percent of the time." She shrugs.

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