Chapter 4: Winning the game

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"Breaking into a house or cutting down a tree? Are you planning on some real mischief?" the store clerk said, his eyes scanning the rope and the axe I had just purchased. I could see why he would assume that, given the items in my shopping bag. However, these tools were not for cutting down trees, or at least not in the traditional sense. The thought made me grin in amusement.

With my bags in tow, I headed to my car and checked Facebook. It looked like our friend Marcus had more sense than Rio, who had foolishly shared his address online. Marcus, on the other hand, had not shared his address but had posted himself at what appeared to be a gay bar nearby.

The map led me to a crowded area, with cars parked in every available spot. I found a parking spot and took a deep breath. I could walk in just as I was, but instead, I parted my hair and took off my jacket. I surveyed the different types of people walking in with their characteristic twists and exaggerated hand gestures. They all seemed to be laughing and having a good time. I suppose I wouldn't know, as I didn't frequent gay bars, being in a committed relationship.

I crossed the street, and there he was, a shiny bald security guard named Tommy. As he looked me up and down, I couldn't help but gulp nervously.

"How old are you?" he inquired, his voice cutting through the pulsing beats of the club music.

"19," I replied, feeling my heart rate quicken as I saw him inching closer towards me.

"You're new here, right?" His every word was laced with a distinct lustful intent, and my senses were heightened as I felt his cold hand on my face.

"How can you tell?" I stuttered, my eyes never leaving his.

"Your eyes," he murmured. "I've never seen such icy blue before... they're gorgeous." His words sent shivers down my spine, and I could sense that he wanted something from me.

I momentarily broke eye contact and looked towards the club, where I saw Marcus kissing another guy. When I turned back to face the man in front of me, his disgusting hand had already moved down to my neck.

"That's inappropriate," I exclaimed, pushing his hand away. But from the way he had been acting, I knew that being inappropriate wasn't an issue for him.

Tommy leaned in closer and whispered, "I gotta prove you're gay somehow." I let out a defeated sigh, feeling trapped. Other people were casually walking past us to enter the club, but why had he singled me out? Did he know them, or were they familiar to him?

My mind raced as I stared ahead at the flashing neon lights, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation unscathed.. Then....if I'm right about this I shouldn't have to stick my penis up his ass.

"I have a car we do a real quickie there," I said seductively dragging my finger down his firm chest Now, what would you do Tommy? Doesn't matter because I already know the answer

"I have a car we do a real quickie there," I said, my voice dripping with seductive desire as I dragged my finger down his firm chest, feeling his muscles tense beneath my touch. The air was thick with anticipation, and I could feel the heat rising between us.

Now, what would you do Tommy? Doesn't matter because I already know the answer." With a sly smile, I leaned in and brushed my lips against his, the electric thrill of our forbidden desire coursing through my veins.

But my moment of passion was abruptly interrupted as he shoved me away. "I was just kidding go inside." His words landed like a punch in the gut, leaving me feeling pathetic and rejected.

But I wasn't one to back down so easily. I knew what I wanted, and I was determined to get it. Marcus was still out there, and I was going to find a way to take him home with me. But how?

Maybe I could use seductive charm. Nah, all those guys he has around look way better than me. I need something better.

That's when I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, are you going to stand there, or are you gonna dance?" I turned to see a guy with green neon black hair mixed in with black, holding two red cups. He shoved one in my hand. "Drink, you look tense."

Suddenly, an idea came to mind as I moved the drink in a circle motion. "My name is Rebecca," he said, trying to sound confident. He extended his hand, and I shook it.

"That's a girl's name," I said, his expression slightly disturbed before he smiled.

"So you're new here," he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I guess," I replied, my mind already racing with my next move. Why am I still talking to this guy? I need to carry out my plan.

And with that, I walked right past Rebecca, or whatever his name was, straight into Marcus's VIP chamber, feeling a renewed sense of determination fueling my every step.

"Uh, who are you?" he asked tentatively, eyeing the drunk man sitting across from me. I knew he wouldn't remember me, but I had to go through with my plan. This was all for love, after all.

"Do you want to have a drinking game with me?" I said with false enthusiasm, hoping to distract him. His face lit up with a drunk smile and he leaned forward eagerly.

"I love drinking," he slurred. "And you're a cutie. I'll bite." He clapped his hands, and the waiter brought over some drinks.

"It's simple really...whoever stops drinking first is the loser," I explained, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice.

"And...what happens if I lose?" His intense, glassy eyes bore into me, making my heart race.

"If you lose, I'll fuck you," I replied, my voice low and sultry.

"And if I win?" He leaned back, crossing his arms.

"Well, what do you want?" I asked, my mind racing with possibilities.

"I want to fuck you," he smirked, passing me a bottle. I knew Marcus well enough to understand that he hated losing - he was too competitive. But I doubted he would get on all fours, which was why he would play along with me. What a child.

I popped open the bottle with a flick of my wrist and moments later, we began drinking. I didn't need to rush; all I needed was to drink two bottles, and then I would win. Marcus started drinking quickly, but I knew he would tire soon. He would get sleepy and stop drinking, falling asleep. It was the perfect plan - all for love.

"Marcus is gonna win!" The crowd thundered in unison, their chant echoing off the walls. But as time went on, their excitement began to wane. Marcus had ignored their demands for attention and now they were left to sulk in their boredom. Suddenly, the first signs of Marcus breaking down appeared; his eyes twitched and flickered. It was too easy. In just ten minutes, Marcus had succumbed to his exhaustion, drifting into an undisturbed slumber.

As I walked him out of the bar, I whispered low enough for the others to hear, "Marcus, I'm gonna fuck you at my house." It was just a part of our agreement, after all. Laying him down in the backseat of my car, I tied rope around his wrists and ankles. It was incredible how easily he had fallen for my trap - he really thought he was going to sleep with me. He didn't deserve it, not like Rio did. Don't worry, Rio - my heart belongs to you and only you.

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