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"we... Did what? When?" I'm confused... All I did last night was sleep... Don't tell me I actually... Did something

"Yeah last night" I gulped this is starting to sound alot like what happened to lenzo "

" Did... I.. do anything... Or say anything weird? "

" Well you came and it seemed like you were changing your clothes, you caught me staring at you then asked me why I was awake" this is everything with lenzo all over again... I need to see a doctor about this... It's dangerous for me to not know what I was doing... Especially when I had a teacher in my closet. " Then to help me fall asleep you brought out the frog and we named it together"

" How... ?"I muttered

" I didn't know you had a sweet side max... "He twisted his finger in his hair creating a black spiral around his finger

"You said I had changed clothes right... By any chance did I tell you where I was going?"

"You did mention something about a gas station "

" Hey come with me... I just need to see"

" My rib still hurts-" oh for fucks sake just come with me! It doesn't hurt that fucking bad stop acting like a goddamn baby!

" Oh yeah you are right"I chuckled" well your going to be here for some time make yourself feel at home" I shouldn't get mad at Rio... He's just a baby, a baby can't think on their own, or do anything without others help and guidance.

The day was long and boring, I told the principal my reasons I can't be at school for 6, months and he allowed me to take the course online, online courses never help or work, but beggars can't be choosers, nightfall came and so did Kyle wobbling inside the house holding a half empty bottle of tequila.

"Kyle I need to talk to you" I said but he ignored me just falling on the couch" Kyle" I said firmly

" Whaaat" he let out

" Yesterday...I was sleep walking again...where did we go"

" A gas station" he snored the bottle of tequila was just barely in his gasp at any moment it was going to fall in break " I .. just.. buried a body.. like I usually... Do" and finally it broke onto the floor.

" But Rio... Said I went to the gas station "

"Rio doesn't know what he's talking about" he groaned flipping over face front into the couch " weren't Rio the same one who suck dick for a teacher"

"Don't be little him like that Kyle, he didn't know any better" but my words aren't reaching him as he simply laughed "Kyle be honest with me" I walked over towards him, he picked up his head revealing his sleepy eyes

"What is it max"

"Did .. I bury... Alex" I whispered holding tightly onto his face, he couldn't keep his eyes open .. I'm starting to think he might have fallen asleep until he parted the top lip away from the bottom

"Bury..." He groaned "no... You didn't do that" he sat up taking my hand walking out the door we went inside the driver's sit and we started driving, I'm kinda nevous letting him drive my car... With his being drunk and all. We made it over to a nearby gas station. It looked almost abandoned only the lights were still on... He got out the car and I followed him around the building there I saw a big trashcan.

"Kyle..." Why are we over here... He stood in front of the bin popping it open

"Come look" he said backing away from the trashcan, I came over and stood in fornt and saw... And saw Alex laying there... The blood from his stomach has stopped running. The familiar feeling of Kyle hanging on my back settled in "you just put him in his proper bed, trash belongs in a trashcan you know"

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