not qualified for friends

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I-I can't deny...hearing him beg me to stay gave me a sense of importance...But that's natural...If a mother walked away from their baby the baby will cry for its mother...It's the same with Rio...right now he's resting in that bed. So peacefully...I wonder what he's dreaming about-

"Mm.." The room felt like it was closing in around me... Marcus...? d-did i- hear...that correctly? FUCKING MARCUS! he's dreaming about other guys .

I took him by the tooth giving him a rude awakening He was fumbling all these words I can understand Because they are all excuses, He tried to talk bad about me about helping him exercise, but on the other hand, he was dreaming about other guys while in the conference of my home, I knew this relationship I didn't feel comforting to me. I didn't feel like an actual relationship. Even though I try all these different things with him Was he even worth it? All the people I had to manipulate. all the time and hours I dedicated to stalking him. educating myself to learn everything about him... I'm not even into guys...I know that for a while at this point rio He's just not worth it...He's just like any other person a nuisance Why is he even around Why do I even keep him here for so long? Why did I
Yearn for his touch?  I gripped onto the basement doorknob... He's just like any... other... person...

He left me...

They all left me... My mom, Lucas Everybody... I twist the doorknob...a creaked open the stairs to the basement looked longer more raggedy more deadly. I took that step then next I threw him up against the wall... He couldn't move...He was holding on to his teeth I looked upon my hand I saw his tooth...He looked around And finally...He was wide awake

I can't pretend anymore...

"I've done everything that possibly get you to fall in love with me" Even now...He isn't paying attention to the words I'm expressing to him. He's too busy looking at the inside of the teacher. I looked over at him and chuckled..."It's all making sense now..." I walked over to his body

"You want revenge, Rio?" I asked " knowing this scumbag...He probably took advantage of you while you were sleeping as well, You might as well do something to him right?" I looked at him for an answer...But all I got in return was mumblish words.

"Even now...I'm being selfless...and letting you get your revenge" I clutched my fist. "The least you can do is answer me!" He flinched as my hard words pressed into his brain

"N-no" He stuttered

"I know you want to" I walk back over towards him and Grabbed him by his other tooth It took him over to the teacher's body...I don't know why he's so afraid. It's just a sleeping person...Is he that selfish that thinks he's the only person in the entire world that goes to sleep? I tossed him on top of him. He tried crawling away I press my foot onto his back pressing him back down.

"It's okay Rio, I won't judge you...Because I love you You can do anything you want with him, this Is your revenge after all." But it seems He still believes I will judge him If he took advantage of the teacher. " fine, I guess I'll play the bad guy for once" I dug in my pocket and took out my little knife...

"Rio, If you don't do this...I'll kill you" He stood at me big eyedly...I believe Part of him Thinks I will do it. This isn't true because I love him... Still.....
he kept muttering the words 'i don't want to die' over And over again... He shouldn't take this to heart...After a day or two he'll feel better that I helped him accomplish this. He took off his pants, His underwear...and sat there crying... Once again he begged me Not to make him do this...But this time I wasn't having it...I took the blade Holding it to his neck Barely penetrating through.

"I'll kill you" He turned around And finally He did it...I'm so proud of him...After being a victim of so many treacherous things. the victim turns into the predator... All with my help of course. He couldn't do anything without me. he didn't last very long Maybe like 2 seconds maybe...

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