Chapter 6: Rest assured.

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"I am head over heels in love with Rio," I exclaimed, my heart pounding so hard that I could feel it racing up to my ears. I collapsed onto the couch beside Kyle, utterly consumed by the depth of my emotions. Suddenly, he appeared before me, grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat, and I noticed that his eyes were shining with joy.

"What happened? Why are you grinning like an idiot?" he asked me, still struggling to catch my breath.

"I finally did it, I kissed Rio!" I said, clasping his hands together and bouncing up and down on the couch like a kid on Christmas morning.

In that moment, I could feel every nerve ending in my body buzzing with excitement, my senses alive with the taste, smell, and touch of Rio's lips. It was as if fireworks were exploding within me, filling me with an intense burst of energy and euphoria. As I lay there, reliving the moment in my mind, I could feel Kyle's nose brushing gently against mine, his breath mingling with mine like a symphony of passion and desire.

" But don't you think it's strange?" He asked. Strange? I don't think it's strange " he kissed you right after Marcus died"

"What are you getting at?" He looked away then shot me a cold glance then parted his lips.

" Kill..the more you kill the more you get" that...does- seem right..somehow but

"Killing is wrong," I told him he smiled in amusement bearing his teeth to me" this will be the last time"

" You must be feeling pretty happy you gotta kiss from Rio huh?" He questioned I simply shrugged my shoulders," do you feel any gayer?"

"I don't want to talk about this. I have something to do" I left him in the living room. and went to the basement his body was still dangling there. The dark red substance created a river towards the beginning of the stairs. I'm still scared, his eyes were still open staring deeply into me. 'you killed me' he say 'you told me you were going to let me go! You lied to me" this overwhelming sadness filled my body unable to leave. Until his sharp touch brought me back into reality.

"What are you doing? Sulking?" He inquired, I remember now I was going to use Marcus phone to post that he had moved away. So Rio won't make that report. The thing is the phone is on the ground inside his shorts...near the body "answer me"

" Can you bring me those shorts" I stuttered He sighed and with each step he took I felt my heart burning a big lump of metal in the back of my throat no matter how many times I swallowed it wouldn't go away? Close he got to the point where he could touch the body. That's too close... I found myself unable to breathe gasping for air the air suddenly turned into water and I found myself trying to find the air I opened my eyes to find the bloody phone in the palm of my hand

"Thank you-" but he yanked it back stuffing it inside his pocket

"Do you find this as exciting as I do?" He said with a smirk, tilting his head to the side. "It's okay to show your happiness about kissing Rio," he added, his eyes glinting with amusement.

I felt a chill run down my spine. I knew Kyle too well, and I knew that he always had a twisted motive behind his words. As he walked deeper into the basement, I followed him with hesitant steps, feeling as if I was walking into a trap. He leaned against the wall, placing his hands on his butt and sticking it out. I couldn't believe what he was suggesting.

"You can let out all your excitement onto me," he said, his grin widening. My heart sank as I realized the terrible truth. He thought that I was happy about Marcus's death.

I couldn't deny that Rio's kiss had left me feeling ecstatic, but the thought of having sex with Kyle in front of a dead body made me feel sick to my stomach. 

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