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I stared at the broken phone in my hands, full of regret I wish I never did this... I wish I was smarter... Doesn't matter now, I tossed the phone on the other side of the couch, I placed my hand on Lucas head forcing him deeper, I listened to his choking sounds and the slurping, it sounded disgusting, but the human body makes all kinds of noises. I grabbed his hair forcing him to come up.

"Tell me who you sent it to" he swallowed the cum he had inside his mouth and shook his head.

" It's useless you aren't going to tell me...that just means I'm going to have to find out on my own."I pulled up my pants  taking him by the hair dragging him across the floor pushing him down the stairs. His body fell like a rag doll, I remember earlier this morning I had to feed him because yesterday, I'd accidentally broke his hands. I didn't know I was capable of doing that...also I haven't seen Kyle in awhile, I walked back upstairs and took the phone from the couch, although the screen is broken it's not impossible... To recover the data, because of our little friend called a sims card, it's installed in the phone deep inside, I would just try to get it out but, I don't want the risk of actually breaking it, I'm not that confident in myself to that point. I put the phone inside my pocket and took my car keys, this bright sun blinded me, stinging me in the eye, I took a deep breath in and blew it back out, I don't remember even going outside, I grabbed onto the burning door handle pulling it open, nor do I remember the last time I started driven this seems like my memories are beginning to fade, at a slowly pace, I started driving down the highway and pulled up to a store I'm sure they can solve my little phone problem. I took the jacket from the backseat putting on my body, the familiar feeling of this jacket, the day I decided to kidnap Marcus, I was wearing this same jacket, this same black, beaten-up jacket. I pull up my hood and left the car, I walked inside the store and went up to the clerk.

"Hey how can I help you today?" He sounded annoyed, clearly didn't want to be here, but he had a look of suspicion which means he cares about his job.

"My phone it's... broken" I set it on the table. He looked at it in confusion then looked up at me

" want a new screen or what?"

" No, I just want the data transferred to this other phone."

"I see you must want the Sims card" right now...I could be watched right now...this guy could be working for the police right now! This could be a set up! Right before he took the phone, I grabbed onto his wrist.

"I want to see the process" I can't let this guy just walk off like that... Especially not with that phone.

"'s a really long process sure you want to-" he stopped mid sentence and sighed "judging by your face your determined, fine" he left the phone the counter and went inside this room, what if the police is inside there? I can't go to jail , Lucas he needs me without me his life will be full with nothing but misfortune,

"Actually, can you just tell me how to do it" I asked, I heard a chuckle coming from him

"Look if you're hiding porn on here it's fine I've seen it all" he doesn't seem like the police he seems like a regular 24 year old "unless it's some midget porn then I'll seen it all" he said to himself

"Fine but I want to watch" he laid the tools on the table, I never saw them before or ever heard of these. he laid the phone face down and popped off the back of the case. I glazed outside the window and saw it was afternoon time, the sun created an orange gloom inside the building,

"Man I should go outside more" he said. A family caught my eye, a daughter no more than 5 holding onto her mother's hand, their smiling faces they are so happy...people aren't born equal...people like that little girl was born perfect, while I wasn't. because her mother still wanted her, and my dad died because of me. I looked back at the phone, and he dismembered it,

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