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As the weeks grew so, did his condition...Every day it seems he requires more and more attention like a child just like a baby. waking up in the middle of the night coughing sometimes, he'll be hungry and doesn't have enough energy to get up and make it himself, he's fully dependable on me and I love it. this is how it should be. Me overlooking him like this he doesn't need to do anything just rely on me. There was a knock at the door I rose from the couch and opened the door and saw it was that doctor's martian

"Yes?" I remember telling him not to come back here. His presence is unwanted 

"I  wanted to do a check-up on Rio" he held up his hands showing his palms. 

"he's fine-" like the world is punishing me a roar came out from the back room

"That doesn't sound fine to me" he forced his way inside making his way to the backroom. He could get sued for this I followed after him and he was already talking to Rio "How could you call this fine...?"  I'm not sure what he's talking about 

"he looks like he's dying!" he shouted. I looked at Rio and he looks fine to me he's eyes were just a little baggy and blood smuggled on his lip but nothing serious.

"I'm taking him to the hospital"

"Doctor, can I talk to you outside?"I sniffed looking away from him "I-" hopefully he'll come...because Rio isn't leaving this room 

"fine" he got up from the bed and we walked into the library. " what is this all about? why haven't you taken him to the hospital" 


"there's no excuse you see how bad he is" Why is this idiot lecturing me? I don't see anything wrong with him. All I see is love in his eyes nothing more nothing less. 

" Because I decided he wasn't going to do it" he was caught back by my statement 

"Who are you to decide for him?" he snapped " have you even asked him what he wants?" I stared at the ground below me thinking of Marcus... he is a bad guy... a horrible man...I've acted on  every bad decision Rio made and acted accordingly. If he decides this then...it'll cost him his life. 

"he doesn't know any better...he's an indisputable failure...he isn't qualified to make decisions anymore. it'll only cause more stress for me" I mumbled 

"Okay this is crazy" I eyed him down as he reached for his phone "I'm calling the police"

"please reconsider" I placed my hand on his hand. the same hand he used to clutch onto the phone...I slipped the phone out of his hand. his wallpaper was a picture of his newly developed family. "your wife she's a very attractive woman" 

"give me back my phone"

"max give the gentleman his phone back" kyle sneaked up behind me Dr. martian appeared to be confused "Give it back!" kyle called yanking the phone out from my hand soon I witnessed him pushing the phone into his mouth and down into Dr. Martian's throat. He clutched tightly onto his throat trying to push it out but it was thick...it won't work. he fell to his knees water started to foam out from his eyes and the cracks of his mouth. he suddenly fell face-first into the floor. dead I went towards the door opening it up 

"Come back again Mr. martian and take care!" I yelled loud adequately for anyone and everyone to hear me before closing the door. "If we just take out the phone he'll be fine..." I looked over at kyle and he nodded I took martian by the arms dragging him down the hallway into the basement and kicking him down there. I don't feel like accomplishing anything else but relaxing in Rio's arms. I closed the basement door. and went inside the room and noticed he was still laying there with his hair in his urine he was just there. I took off my shirt and moved closer to him laying beside him. 

"Rio...do you want to go to a hospital?" I moved the remainder of his hair out from his eyes... some falling interlocking with my fingers. 

"I...do" he muttered "take...me" 

"That means you want to leave my house right...and leave me" I leaned down kissing his forehead 

"i...do" he continued. he's overheating...Just like a computer...when it overheats it becomes dumb and brainless...the best way to solve this problem is by cooling it down. with some cold...air...I took him by his shirt dragging him down the hallways...It's okay Rio everyone gets hot sometimes...I'll be there to fix it. I opened my door and the cool air hit my face. I smiled this is cold enough. I tossed him out onto the bottom of the stairs...He looks weak like putting an infant in the park 

"If you want to go then go" I slammed the door. I rushed to a nearby window and watched him struggling to get up...coughing up his little storm... I watched as his mouth quivered...His body is glued to the sidewalk unable to leave...This is amazing...! I watched as he mouthed my name and I walked back to the door and walked down to him. and squatted I held the sides of his face " Stay with me and be my partner or die unwanted by anyone" 

"ah" his words were cracked and dry 

"Don't speak...Just babble" I moved my trump across his lip

"stay wit ou" I couldn't help but smile hugging him tightly 

"Really!?"  kissing him all around "Come on you must be cold"  I stood back up and he was laying his head on my shoes 

"You can stand can't you?" he was shaking just like the leaves on the tree I took him by the arm pulling him up. the stairs I let him go so he could walk on his own but he acted like his back was heavy he couldn't take more than 5 steps before dropping like a fly. I need to fix this but how? I took him and dragged him inside the bedroom tossing him on the bed. 

"Max" I flinched as kyle called my name from behind. 

"kyle" I turned around "help me"

"Who do you want me to kill next?" I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh...he can't help me...he has a narrow mindset       



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