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he's dead...kyle" I muttered as Lucas head created a pool of blood

"nah, you're not a killer right? hes just napping "

"napping?" I ask confused

,"I know a lot of people who sleep with their eyes open"

"sleeping with their eyes open ?" I muttered, his eyes are kinda open..."but the blood" kyle lifted his Lucas head off the blood

" look do you see a crack? because I dont"

"no....," I muttered, I got off Lucas and picked him up walking him back inside the basement, hes just a little exhausted from all that arguing... When he wakes up he'll be back to normal.... I threw him down the stairs and locked the door, what should I do while I wait? ... I went inside the bathroom and saw my nose was bleeding, I took a bandaid and applied it to my nose... I should go to school tomorrow, and see those horrible people,

Everything seemed to be running as they had always been which annoyed me, do they not care that lucas isn't here?  What a bunch of losers, I'm ready to go home

"Max, you still coming to the party tonight?" I picked my head up from the desk to see Rio's enchanted eyes cursed a love spell on me once again. Rio... You still remember me, my heart is now beating again...

"Of course-" I chuckled, and sat down next to me I was completely shocked on how is presents called out to me with it's warm embrace

"I haven't seen you lately are you okay?" No one has ever asked me how I was doing... He even, noticed my missing presents...Rio your Angel my light in the never ending darkness, my life is now in your hands "wait don't tell me.... You are dating someone" dating someone? I don't think theres anyone in this whole universe who could be better than Rio.

"Of course not I only have eyes for one person" I smirked, soon he had to go back to his seat because class was going to start

The day flew pass me, we took a couple of tests and I didn't realize Rio gotten a tattoo on his arm, it had something to do with a cross and a lion, I'm sure it had a deeper meaning behind it, it looked really ugly though, I'm sure it was just peer pressure that made him get it, because all his other friends got tattoos aswell. I saw that ander was walking up to my desk,  I'm guessing he also wants something from me

"Have you seen Lucas?" He asked, Lucas...? Why would he think I would know where that piece of shit is


"A few days ago I saw you talking to him, it looked serious" I'm not surprised.... I should have been expecting this, but then again I shouldnt because Lucas is simplair to me no one knows him or care for him

" It wasn't that serious, I just wanted to ask him about the class he's taking"

" Why? "

" Why? Do you think something happened to him? " I asked, he sighed and sat down next to me, I didn't like it... That's Rios spot he isn't worthly of sitting down in his spot

"Are you okay? You look scary" he said.

"Oh sorry, what were you going to say?" I asked

"Well ... I've been texting him and... I haven't gotten any reply. So I'm kinda worried" what a bunch of bullshit, he didn't text him, the only person texted him was his mother. I see what this is... He thinks I had something to do with it, someone like him doesn't have the right to assume such things, and he's still sitting in Rios spot!

"What makes you worry?"

"He's a lonely guy, one the bus home I saw him sleeping on the sidewalk... I just worried that any sicko didn't get him because he's young" I see what that text message means now the curb, it's referring to his homeless tent, he doesn't have to worry about that since he's asleep, I shouldn't offer to help find him because that make me look guilty of what I've done, I should just say something nice and move on

" He'll probably show up sooner or later" that didn't seem to make him feel any better.

" I'll find him, will you help me? " Ive watched shows like this before and the outcome is never good.

" You don't even know me, and you want my help? " I question

" Yeah... I mean we are his classmates so we are going to have help him" his words sound like determination, but I feel like there's something much deeper, it's because he thinks I did it. I know all about this,

" When you put it like that I guess I have to help you" he smirked and went to his seat, I watched as he left and I noticed Rio staring at us from the corner of my eye, narrowed eyed with a jealous Sense tone, jealousy.... When you want something, you can't have that means he wants me, and he gets mad when other people are with me... What a great feeling this gives me,.

After school I went straight home and went inside the bathroom to brush my hair, I can't believe it still a party, a party date and a party date always leads to a one on one day I can feel it, I grabbed the nicest shirt from my closet which was a alot to choose from, and took some black jeans I don't know when the last time I went shopping for clothes. In the end of the day I look good enough, I kinda look younger actually wearing these tight clothes from junior year,

"Will this due?" Kyle asked I turned around and saw him all dress down he pulled his hair back showing his forehead and gave a wink in the process, where did he get those clothes surely those aren't mine. "Oh max you can't go dressed like that" he grabbed my arm dragging me back inside the bathroom, he did some weird stuff with my hair like applying heat to it, he went on and on about how I have to look presentable otherwise I wouldnt catch Rios attention and he'll be looking at other guys. I can't believe he's Right! I can't believe I wasn't trying hard enough for Rio .. enough isn't enough,. Enough is never enough. I have to be perfect, he pulled out these clothes that I don't ever remember buying and told me to put them on and so I did , and I felt amazing I don't ever want to take these. Clothes off ever, Rio he'll notice me for sure
"I-" I dont want to thank him or anything that'll be weird " you can come with me if you want but just keep your distance" his face glowed kissing me all around my face, and we were quickly out the door I went to the bus station where I usually go and the girl who always work there looked at me all strange all of a sudden.

"Max is that you?" She asked ...  Do I look that different? I looked away and I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder

"You should respond and stop being shy, Rio wouldn't like that" he whispered, I sighed

" Yeah it's me nice to see you again Sally" I smiled, she began flustering  fidgeting with her fingers.

" I'm fine.... I'm surprised you remembered my name" she replied and honestly I'm surprised as well I looked over at Kyle who was encouraging me to talk to her more, with this idiotic smile

" Of course I'll remember your name, I can never forget a cute girl" she started pushing her hair behind her ear. I'm seriously wasting my time she didn't even give me my ticket for the bus!

" Here I'll let you ride for free" I flinched as she placed the ticket in the palm of my hand

" For free? " I repeated making sure I heard right

"Yeah I'll cover it, but please come back... Then maybe we can hang out sometime" she shrugged, what is going on... This never happened before usually all she ever do is hand me my ticket with zero conversation. This is different....

"Thank you" I muttered I looked back at Kyle who lit up a smoke I started walking over towards the bus suddenly I stopped and turned around

"Can I have another one" she raised one eyebrow titing her head "I'll pay for this one" I handed her the money and she placed another ticket in my hand, I gave one of them to Kyle as we gotten on the bus and sat down.

"God job max I feel like a proud father watching his son grow up into a man" he clapped

"I don't understand... Why did she give me one for free" I stared intensely at my hands, I felt this heavy arm resting on my back as he whispered

" Because your hot"

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