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It was already night, I passed by the house surrounding mine, and they already had their thanksgiving decorations, how wonderful that all looked like the whole neighborhood is glowing in the never-ending glow of love, I stepped out of the car and stood in front of my house, dark and blue it didn't have or share that same feeling like all the other houses, but the house next to mine did, as if they skipped me, what did I do wrong?  I opened my door and the only thing that can be heard is groaning coming from the basement, he was still here I knew he wouldn't leave, I knew he wouldn't play me. I opened the basement and unlocked the door, a horrible smell hit my nose, where is it coming from? I stared at his body and caught something brown leaking through his pants, oh... He shitted on himself

"I'm home,"  I told him his eyes flickered open, they jumped when his eyes met mine

"h-h-hi" he whispered, his voice dry and cracked, didn't my cum moisturize his throat? 

"I'll help you" I walked down the stairs he tried crawling away, but man he sure does like playing hard to get. I took his foot and yanked him up the stairs, I should be gentle his legs still looked bad, I opened the bathroom door and ran some hot water. " if you needed to use the restroom you should have just said so silly, "I smirked. I put my finger inside the water and then jerked it out

"man, that's hot!" I squealed putting my finger inside my mouth. I took off his shirt and his nipple still had blood surrounding it, it looked sickening  I went down to his pants and slowly pulled them down, he looked embarrassed but he should, I'm sure his legs don't hurt that bad I mean they are a little twisted but he can crawl, I shut my eyes and pulled off his pants throwing them to the other side of the room. I picked him up and threw him inside the tub, he started screaming, trying to pull himself out but his legs weren't working,

"it burns!" he screamed

"hot water kills germs," I told him but he wasn't listening and tried to climb out, he reminded me of a fish sort to speak, desperately trying to get to the water I waited for an hour for him to settle down, I poured soap onto his head and scrub it, does he have to go? When I'm with him I feel complete he's the only person in this world I've ever loved  " Lucas... Sleep with me tonight"

"are you going to kill me?" he muttered

"of course not I'll never do that to the person I love most" 

"then...why do you have that expression on your face, as if you hate me?"  I paused at what I was doing, I did?  I don't understand... I got him dressed and cleaned out the tub and threw away his clothes laying him in my bed. He was still awake with his eyes open, I noticed a few burn marks on his skin maybe from the water, maybe it was too hot, I laid down beside him pulling his chest closer to mine,

"your heartbeat is beating fast and untimely, just like the love I feel for you" I whispered, "you feel it too don't you?"  I took his hand and placed it on my neck, he's so warm that it's giving me goosebumps

" Can you feel how fast my heart is beating?"  I shut my eyes, I don't want him to go.... "I'll give you something tomorrow you've been asking for"  I opened my eyes and he was already sleeping,

Before I closed my eyes I heard a ding from my pocket, I pulled out the phone and it was labeled as a mom, right this is Lucas's phone now. I clicked on the text messages and it wrote

" I think someone stole your shit from the shithole you're staying in" Lucas has been here with me for 2-3 and she didn't even send a where you, text, or anything...she abandoned you, I knew it we are the same... I continued reading the messages and there wasn't a lot to read, she texts him whenever she needs money or food. I turned off the phone and shut my eyes waiting for the dreams ahead.

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