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The eggs are sizzling in the hot pan, while the strong smell of the fatty bacon filled up the home, the doctor I've called over should be here any minute now, I slided the eggs off the pan into a red bowel, I took out 2 scripts of bacon also putting them in the bowel along with the toast. And sat it to the side, I cracked another 2 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon and watched as it sizzled. When the Bacon was crispy and the eggs were solid I put them in a green bowel. I took the bowel and went inside my room where Rio is, man ..

"Max is that you" he muttered

"Yeah... I've made you some breakfast" and sat down beside him. Holding the Bacon to his lips, his tongue stuck out from his mouth as the tip touched the bacon

"Can you move it closer" he whispered

"Sure" I told him, but moved it back... It's to help him regain his old body back .. I hope he doesn't think I'll go easy on him just because he broke a few bones. He should have learned how to fight. Suddenly the knock on the door Interrupted us"oh.  That must be the doctor"  I placed the bacon back into the bowel and went towards the door opening it, it was doctor martian I remember he was the one who spoke to me on the phone.

"Good morning, wow it smells amazing in here" his presents already made me uncomfortable.

"Yeah I was just cooking up some bacon" I chuckled

"Save me some" he joked .. he better be joking. " So where our rio" he clapped his hands together.... What does he mean our Rio, we aren't sharing  any thing we are sharing it air that's about it... You know what no wonder why I feel like I'm suffocating because of him and his hot ass breath!

" He's in the backroom follow me " I explained and we went down the hallway Into the room

"Rio, this is doctor martian he'll be tending your broken arm and rib" I stepped aside letting doctor martian through, he sat on the bed re introducing himself to Rio.

"Wow impressive you already knew he had a broken arm and rib" said doctor martian" I remember you telling me on the phone that you were in college do you study medical? " Study is a  overexaggeration I don't study anything I just have a good memory.

"Yeah, I'm almost done, soon I'll be doctor Williams" I laughed and that seemed to make him laugh aswell. "I'll be right back I have something I need to take care of" I shut the door and went to the kitchen and grabbed the green bowel and went down into the basement, the overwhelming buzzing of flies filled the basement, if Lucas don't wake up soon those animals are going to assume that he's dead.
I went over towards lenzo sitting him up against  the wall
"Good morning sleepy head" I lightly kissed his forehead, his head moved positions leaning in his left shoulder "you must be hungry" I took a slip of bacon placing it inside his mouth, the food sat still in between his tongue

"You don't have to be shy and not eat around me" I explained but I guess he's a really shy guy because he was eating... "I get it... Your upset that I let that fat man collapse on you" I would to... If I've let a overweight rapist on top of me. I looked over and saw my bloody mattress, he can sleep on that. I took lenzo by the hand and tossed him onto the bed.

"And when your done eating just let me know" I smiled and went back upstairs and locked the door

All done" he said

"That was fast" this doctor really isn't joking around. He started packing up his tools and is other stuff "if you don't mind me can we talk in the hallway"

"Sure" then we proceed into the hallway

"To start his arm is completely broken, it'll take 3 months to fully heal"

"Oh..." Does that mean Rio he'll be staying with me for 3 months... That time isn't long enough.

"I'll come by every month to check on him until his arm is fully healed-"

"You don't need to do that" I stopped him " even though I'm not a license doctor I think I can keep care of him"

"Well... Okay I'll trust you" he nodded his head, the only one who should be able to see Rio is me. "Another thing" by the way his face is all nervous looking his question won't be related to Rios physical health.

"I.. had.. a friend she was also a nurse a few years ago, maybe like 2 year ago she was murdered... Her name was Avery Williams-"

"Oh that's cool you knew my mother, were you to close?" He flinched fidgeting with his jacket

" Yes... Her and I were good friends" friends huh... If that's the case then why is your dick hard?" I just wanted to say... I'm sorry for your loss your mother was a beautiful woman" suddenly he turned around walking down the hallway

" Doctor there was something else you wanted to ask me wasn't there? " He stopped in his tracks, staring down at the floor, moments later he looked back at me " your... Father ... Did you ever meet him? "

" Yes I've met him before why? " Judging for his hesitate behavior... Could it be that he thinks he's my father? Don't be ridiculous... My father... He was... A fair man he believed in equal value, a life for a life stuff like that. My mother really didn't have any contact with my father so I had found him myself, one day.... My mom was late from picking me up from daycare it was 12am the daycare closed at 3pm... I went to the park and started playing there I saw a man laying down under the slide he looked to be in pain. Soon another man came toward me asking me have they seem someone badly ingured, judging from them they were going to hurt him so I lied and they believed it like fools. After that day I've noticed that same ingured man following me everywhere, giving me candy and things and taking me home when my mom was late. One day I finally asked him who he was... And why were he doing these nice things for me, I thought I was going to get kidnapped sometimes or maybe he was angle sent down by God. But no... All he said he was my father. Now someone I don't know who thinks he's my father just because they had sex with my mom, is right in fornt of me.

"So that's why ..." He muttered

"You had sex with my mom and soon after you noticed she was pregnant? Is that what your telling me?"

" I-i-i- know b-but please consider it I could be your father"

" It doesn't matter my mom is dead I really don't want anything to do with her affairs, if that's all you had to say you can get to stepping" he respected my wishes and lefted the house. Man people are weird. I went inside the room and Rios eye, both of them are open... Looking at the TV

"I hope I didn't cause to much trouble"

"No the only thing he was saying is how badly broken your arm is and how your going to have to stay here for 6 months"

"6 months!" He yelled out " max are you okay with that "

" Of course it was my fault you got hurt.. I should have locked the doors " yeah that's true I should have locked the doors forcing Alex to break my windows it'll be more believable that way. "But I've got you something"

"Really?" His face lit up just for a moment then went sour "more medicine?" He groaned

"Of course not...I'll be right back" I walked inside the living room and saw those stuffed animals from the car was inside my house... How did this get in here??

"Last night I got rid of his body so" Kyle said sitting on the couch holding one of the frogs

"Really Kyle you are such a lifesaver" I took the frog from out of his hands and went over towards Rio peeking my head through the door frame

"No peeking" he suddenly closed his eyes but not his smile I came inside holding the frog "okay you can open now" his eyes opened then that same spark of life came.

"Mr. Henny!" He shouted grabbing the frog from me

"Mr Henny?" I laughed "did you name it already?"

"No? Max you remember we named it together"

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