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"What..." I muttered

"You're hot" he repeated " look around you, see how everyone is staring? " I looked up at my hands and all my eyes were on me... Like I was famous or something

"Kyle" I muttered

"When you are hot or beautiful you can get anything you want" I tremble at the thought of that being true "for example Rio, he's a good-looking guy... And he knows why he wears the type of clothing he does" Kyle... he's in my head all of a sudden how come I didn't think of any of these

"You can get whatever you want, be forgive by anyone... Anyone will gladly bow down to your feet because you are beautiful"

" I thought... I was better than you, but the truth is you're better than me" I felt him grabbing my hand out fingers interlaced with one another

"if the police ever discover the bodies...I want to take the blame" what is Kyle saying? Did he not think I was going to do that already? The bus suddenly stopped at the place, and we went off the bus and walked over to Alex's house man this house is huge it kinda looked like my mother's, big and beautiful

"max, this is a party I love partying now I'm not going to be standing out here with you" he walked inside almost like it was his own. I quickly followed after him and pushed open the glass doors. This overwhelming pressure! People are everywhere... I don't even know who is who... Rio where are you? I'll just text him I pulled out my phone sending him a text. But no reply, just typing I looked all around the room and everyone was typing, Rio which one are you? The waves are rising higher and higher ready to drown me. I can't breathe Rio Rio Rio where are you? Why are there so many people?  I want them to leave... I want them to disappear. I felt a vibration in my hand as I quickly looked down and saw the words 'behind you' I turned around and saw a smile on his face

"Damn max you're looking good" is a compliment...from Rio... It feels so nice, I'll always look good for you Rio. I promise. I started blushing and looked away from him

"We-well that's because... You're h-h-here and I... Wanted.. to im-im-imp-impress you" I chuckled, I can't look him in the eye his beauty it's .. too much... For me to handle

"You're perfect" he gripped onto my shoulders. I gulped as my face redden. perfect. Im perfect??. He looked at me with soft eyes, I leaned in closer toward him

"oh, max look at look less poor" Alex laughed throwing his arm around Rio. Alex's appearance killed the mood "oh max don't look at me like that...Rio isn't interested in someone like you....he liked people who can care for him" suddenly they started walking away. I balled up my fist...I can care for Rio studies have shown that after Marcus' "disappearance" Rio had been sleeping more and waking up earlier. I'd like to see what you would be doing to care for him, I sat down in a nearby chair, a few girls were smoking and whatever. There was a tv right in the corner of the room that was playing the news, digesting all the local events happening in the area but then something caught my eye the redwoods. I heard of those woods before I don't know how I heard of them, suddenly a picture of Marcus came up, and everything connected, they found his body

"hey isn't that Marcus?" someone pointed out. No this is bad! Everyone started coming inside the room and staring at the no it was too early to

" Happy couple Jason more key and rose more key were going to make a bomb fire until Jason more key found a human hand sticking up from the dirt, police identify the victim as Marcus, a local high school student, it appears his penis has been removed from his body and stabbed multiple times in the stomach," said the new reporter, everyone was covering their mouths another shed a few tears,  I huffed and puffed I feel that huge lump in my throat I can't swallow. I can't go to jail...I just can't... I have to do something or they are going to find me. I stood up

"Hey, where are you going all of a sudden?" I looked behind me and it was ander. What's with that look?...the look of suspicion "if I remember correctly I saw you leave with Marcus at the club" he's an oversight. I knew killing him would bring problems... But do I regret letting Marcus die?  No one's perfect... Everyone has problems, and ander is mine

"a classmate of mine...just died. I can't help to feel-" I gulped I can't finish...I stormed outside and I heard loud sobbing I looked and saw Rio sitting on the stairs sobbing. It's a gross glimpsing him sob over some low life. It's like sticking my hand into a bowl of maggots. I sat down beside him

"I loved him" he whimpered dogly, this sickening "he was all I had...I thought he was moving!" this is making my nose curl I can't stand this anymore

"please shut the hell up this is making me gag" well that's what I wanted to say I swallowed everything I had in my mouth and remained silent as he went on and on. I don't know how long I've spaced out looking at the nearby brush but his head was resting on my shoulders.

"oh did he fall asleep, ?" Kyle came out of the house

,"Marcus his body..." I whisper, I held on tightly to Rios fold hands, Kyle wasn't responding I looked over at him and he was trying to hold in his grin but failing horribly.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry" he laughed turning away "I can't help to feel the sense of pleasure!" He erupted in laughter, he couldn't help but roar in hysterical

" I'll take him to my place" I picked Rio up placing him onto my back

" Alrighty" I wish Kyle could just go home and stop leeching off me, Alex stormed out of the house and paused to look ned at me and yelled

" What are you doing with him you freak!?"

"Freak?" I question" I'm taking him back to my place, since I don't know where his house is located"

"Are you out of your mind!" He snapped"our classmate died, we don't know if you're some kind of kidnapper "

" I'll never hurt Rio"

" Please.. I'll go anywhere I just can't... Be here " he mumbled, like a real couple, he'll always have my back I walked to the bus station and Kyle followed behind me, oh that's right I need another ticket for Rio. I searched with one hand to check my pockets and hold Rio with the other, I felt a small slip of paper come in between my fingers, I didn't know I had a spare but I'm glad, I handed the bus driver the ticket and we sat down, I guess Kyle is just going to have to buy him one-

" Thank you" Kyle spoke to the bus driver coming my way

" How... How did you get a ticket? " I. Flabbergasted right now

" I'm hot" he winked.

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