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I can't believe I survived that...I don't ever want to experience that ever again!

"I had fun max, we should do it again sometime" the wind blew his hair out of its original place I took the chance to move it behind his ear

" I don't want the night to end just yet, and judging by that expression on your face you don't either" he's blushing hard he's blushing to the point where he's unable to speak...

"Y-y-yeah me neither" he whispered We walked around downtown, there were lights and Christmas decorations up now... Some houses overdid themselves. With the lights and all but it was cute I know me and Rio will do that one day.

"I'm interested in your job Oliver I want to apply there. Is there something I need to know before joining?" I asked holding onto one of his hands.

"Oh that job it's boring, we basically just fix phones, and sometimes they want us to bring in their phone log you know to use in court" he jumped his shoulders

" What's a phone log?" I asked

" Yeah I forgot that your phone isn't updated, but a phone log is to see who called you and who did you call" does he thinks I'm an idiot of course I knew what that was...

" I see" I pulled out Rio's phone from my pocket, it was very easy to take. Everyone was looking at Rio they couldn't be bothered by his clothing or what was missing. I handed the phone to him " could you check this one "

" You know the password? " He asked. The password? Why would I know the password? this isn't my phone... I typed in the words Marcus and I'm not surprised that it unlocked. I handed him the phone and he started typing in some numbers and then handed it back to me. This same person keeps calling Rio... I want to know who it is... I pressed the number and the phone started to ring then someone answered

" oh Rio I'm glad you took me up on my offer-" I stopped in my tracks... That voice I know this... I thought Rio was done with him already. This disgusting teacher! " Rio-" I hung up the phone and slid it back into my pocket.

"Everything okay?" Oliver asked standing a few feet away from me

"Everything is fine" I smiled at him, now that I know who he is I can get rid of him. I didn't realize it but we were at my house. I unlocked the door and it seemed less disgusting inside...

"Man, that is that smell?" He chuckled holding his nose

"It's my bathroom, I've called people over to fix it they should be here tomorrow so please bare with me" I looked back at him scratching  the back of my head. What should I do now? Why isn't he leaving? I got what I wanted. ..leave

"Theres this movie... I would like to see... My uh tv broken and... I was wondering if we could watch it together?" No leave.

"Sure, I love movies" and I hate you. Leave... We walked inside sitting onto the couch as I turned on the TV.

"I-i-... You can touch me... If you want" he said unbuttoning his jacket and dropping it to the floor. I watched him as he stripped completely naked, I'm getting nervous... I didn't sign up for all this!  Okay ... I can do this I can do this!  I came closer to him holding him in my arms I moved my nose up against his neck, he's hot... Maybe because he's blood pressure is increasing

"You have flawless skin, I can't wait to mark it up" I whispered, our lips touched and soon we were making out, he removed my jacket and shirt and I pulled off my pants, things are now starting to get a little handsy, as we rushed into the bedroom. He pushed me down onto the bed and quickly climbed on top of me. Moments later he let out a deep moan, biting onto his lower lip, who does he think Is... Fucking me without my permission? I fucking hate him! Did he not see how upset Rio was when Rio saw him? He made Rio mad and that's unacceptable. I sat up and that only increased the moaning as he tightly gripped my back. The feeling of his hard dick touching my abs was enough to make me puke. And the constant moaning out my name... I couldn't take it anymore!  How could he be so selfish and not think about Rio? Suddenly I saw Kyle walking inside... He was naked as well and wanted to join in on the action... He climbed onto the bed facing me. That's when the moaning stopped and a scream hit my ears, what's happened? I looked down onto Oliver's back and saw that a knife had been jabbed deeply inside his back. Tons of blood leaked out from within his body.

"Yes... This is perfect, You just keep looking at me with those pretty eyes. Don't take your eyes off me"( credits to jojo's bizarre adventure)  Kyle groaned, his hands were bloody and still he stilled holding onto my face. I took a deep breath coming in to kiss him. I pulled him closer taking more from him, but Oliver's body was in the way. It was in between us .. separating us. Kyle pushed Oliver's lifeless body away  and then our skins connected, but I can feel him this time, his nipples touching mine our dicks rubbing against each other I don't know why I couldn't feel this before, this feels so nice

"Kyle...I want to enter you" I muttered, pulling down his lip

"Then do it" he laughed in my ear, I gently lifted him and inserted my dick inside him, he let out a sigh and that's when the gripping started, he was so tight... I don't think I can move... I'm afraid I'll hurt him.. "be as rough as you like, I won't leave you"

"You promise Kyle, you swear you won't leave me?" I desperately clogged onto his back. " Kyle, say it. say you won't leave I can't let you leave either!" I dug my nails into his back

"I promise I won't leave you max" I moved my hips in and out of him, at a fast pace, this feels amazing... I see the way people have sex addictions now, this feels fucking amazing! I can't control my voice any longer. I bit into Kyle's neck

"I'm close" I groaned. I can't hold it any longer ... "I-i-im-a... C-cum" at that moment it released inside him, I huffed and puffed holding onto him.

" How do you feel? " He asked

" Amazing... It was amazing"

" I'm glad you feel that way" why did it feel like that...? Doesn't fucking matter it felt amazing!

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