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can I compete with a deceased person? I just should die too... If I die Rio Would be sad and sad is an emotion, He'll feel sadness towards me and he'll keep remembering me forever and ever. I took the knife that was always stored inside my pocket. Bloody stains were covering it, stained with my blood...I held the knife closely towards My throat.

"Um, max what are you doing?" I flinched as Kyle came in the room" I hope you're not planning on offing yourself" I dropped my head.

"That's the only way Rio will feel something for me.... anything."

"I don't think that's a good idea-" How dare Kyle to interrupt me! Who does he think he is? I've been too friendly with him over the past months, He thinks what he says matters, Who does he think he is?

"I didn't say that for you to add your opinion on the matter, I already made up my mind"

"wait- please let me recommend something" Taking the knife out of my hand "Do you know what another emotion is?"

"What..." I shouldn't waste my breath on him, He's not smart enough for my liking He doesn't know anything...

"a stronger emotion than sadness....jealousy" jealousy? What is Kyle getting it? "How about if you try to make Rio jealous and he gets mad then, it'll show that he loves you" Of courseOfcourseofcourseof!...kyle grinned at me.

"I'm not trying out your foolish plan...What makes you think I'm going to take ideas from you? You're nobody. You're some murderous freak that should be locked up in prison" Despite everything I said to him I took the knife from him and place it in my pocket The idea wasn't a bad one I just can't let him get the hope that He's right...

"Whatever, But if you want to know more details talk to me, Just ask me" He seems like he was going to walk away I took his arm

"I'm not trying out your plan but, Tell me anyway Tell me how can I make Rio jealous" He laughed Until he got serious

"The best way, The easiest way, is to make him feel insecure belittle him, judging by his appearance...then Compare him to other guys once you do that you can finally bring someone over if you just want to make him even madder... Max, I know you love Rio a lot But you're going to have to bully him some. kick him out...When he starts begging to come back in., then starts the whole process over and over and over again the results will be worth it" Is he serious? I can never kick Rio out...That's like throwing a baby onto the street...Rio, he's my love he's my soulmate I can never kick him out I can never do anything to hurt him He needs my support and he needs me He can't do anything without me He's just a child he just can't -He just can't- he's just a baby he-he can't just ask me to do something like that!

"No pressure" he added...Why is that thought still circling in my mind Am I considering this? Am I considering hurting Rio?

"I can't hurt him..."I'm mumbled

"You're not hurting him" I popped up my head staring at him waiting for answers It's not like you're beating him, All you doing letting him get fresh air outside"

"You're right It's not like I'm beating him half to death, It's not like I'm physically hurting him I'm just-I'm just-"

"helping him" He finished my sentence

"Yeah, I'm helping him..." I recollected myself, Fixing my hair fixing my clothes trimming my nails everything to critique people you have to be perfect yourself there can be any flaws without you they can't pinpoint lived with for me long enough I know every single flaw about him every single imperfection hard not to notice. He smells horrible...Even when he showers he smells. That's a major imperfection. He hasn't even bothered to brush his teeth anymore laying in my bed decaying...It's like giving up on even trying to be a decent human being Is he trying to embarrass me? And he still requires my undivided attention and my undefined affection He's not worthy of my affection.

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