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I"What's on your mind?" Kyle asked, his voice cutting through my thoughts. I haven't seen him since the incident with Lucas, and now I couldn't shake off the confusion surrounding Rio's invitation to the party.

"Rio invited me to a party... I don't know why," I confessed, my voice dripping with uncertainty.

"Who cares why he invited you," Kyle responded, his tone dismissive. "All that matters is that you're going to be closer to him." His words echoed in my mind, and I couldn't help but consider the implications. Was this more than just a casual invitation? It felt almost like a date, the possibility tinged with excitement and nerves.

Realizing that time was slipping away, I hastily packed my bags and left the classroom, making my way to the main entrance where Kyle was waiting for me. The air outside was crisp, and as I stood there in the snow, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension. I scanned the area, searching for Lucas, the source of my recent troubles.

And then, I saw him. His yellow hair stood out against the winter landscape, contrasting against the white surroundings. Without a moment's hesitation, I popped up in front of him, my sudden appearance causing him to flinch, almost losing his footing. The fear in his eyes was still evident, a reminder of the accusations that had been leveled against him. But I knew that the sooner I cleared my name, the better for both of us.

"Ready to go?" I asked, trying to sound casual despite the undercurrent of tension.

"Yeah..." Lucas responded, his voice laced with a mix of uncertainty and hope. I couldn't help but wonder if he believed in my innocence, or if his trust was already shattered beyond repair. But promises were made, and as we started walking, I couldn't help but feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

Just as we were about to leave, Rebecca came running towards us, desperation etched across his face. "Lucas... Are you leaving?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of worry and longing.

"Yeah, I'll come to school tomorrow, I promise," Lucas reassured her, his smile filled with a sense of commitment. My grip on reality tightened as I watched the exchange, knowing that I had the power to protect Lucas, even from the likes of Kyle. Promises were meant to be kept, after all.

And finally, we were off, leaving Rebecca behin

"I can't believe you made him come with us willingly" Kyle threw his arm over my shoulder we made it back to my house and I opened the door for him and watched as he walked inside and sat on the couch

"Do you want something to drink?" I shut the door behind me

"Wow ,being fancy you know there's nothing in this refrigerator Maxie~" Kyle shouted from the kitchen

"N-n-no" what should I do now? I took a seat in front of him

" you want to talk about what happened in the bathrooms right?" Kyle came out and sat down beside me drinking something, probably water. This guy really annoys me he should be trying to explain his own actions not me.

"Marcus's dead body ..that's what I heard....and Marcus he isn't at school today" why is he trying to take charge of the conversation? I should be doing that, while he was talking Kyle let out some... chuckles they were kinda frightening"why are you laughing?" Yeah why is he laughing?

"What you don't know? God your dumb max" he groaned biting on the glass cup making uncontrollable giggles

"I'll be honest Marcus he's a bully and a jerk that's why he's... gone" i explained

"As in dead " he snapped, I nod my head "answer me" Lucas demand

"He's dead okay... murdered and buried" Kyle's laughter reached insane levels moaning and groaning, this room feels heavy shaken even. His presents is something from a sick animal no better than an absolute monster " please I'm not a bad guy...I just wanted everyone to be free from him" Lucas kept his hands inside his pocket for the longest like he's holding onto something...could it be he's hiding something in there?

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