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We arrived at the place I wanted us to go... The amusement park is always fun..

"No way!" He screamed, his smile is like seeing a rainbow in the sky... You can't stop looking at it

"I love amusement parks... Hearing people's screaming always brings me so much joy" I looked up at the huge fairus wheel in the distance

" Huh?? "He questioned, I caught myself surprised then let out a giggle

"I didn't mean it like that, it's just... When I was younger I was alone... I didn't hear anyones voice... I was.. alone" I felt myself starting to tear up, alone I was alone ... In that room I was alone... "I don't ever want to be alone..." I felt something touch my hand another human being... Touching my hand!

"And you won't have to be" he really is a god... He truly is...

"Right" I felt the tear I was holding in finally come out

"Come on stop crying let's have some fun!" He cheered dragging my hand towards all the action, everything didn't seem real to me. It truly didn't... It was in unbelievable beauty that someone like me didn't deserve to see... I'm just a brat whose mother abandoned him. Nothing more nothing less, but you.. Rio you saw more of me... And gave me a chance... A new start a new beginning... Maybe that's why I love you so much... I never felt this way before...

"Rio...thank you" I looked him in the eye "I'll protect you... No matter the cost because you... Protected me from my harsh past" we sat on top of the ferris wheel

"Max..." He whispered he leaned closer towards me he going to kiss me? But no all he did was take the phone from my pocket snapping a picture of us saying"You don't need to do that" he isn't... Ready yet... It's still too early. Seems like I'ma have to go through that plan after all

"Hey Rio mind if we go by the school I think I left my backpack"

"Oh sure only if we come back" he popped up his head letting out a giggle

"Of course" I sighed and leaned my head onto the window, of course rio the wheel thingy finally hit the ground and I was quick to get off, Rio had a struggle carrying all the prizes that I've won for him but it's cute... But something that'll be much cuter.. to me is him falling into my arms begging me not to leave him, not him asking me to carry some oversize frogs no wonder why every kid I see is a fat fuck. How disgusting... We made it back to the car and Rio threw his animals in the backseat and climbed inside the car, and  I drove towards the school it was around 8ock at night... I made it there and got out the car but keeping it on so Rio can be all nice and warm... As I walked up towards the school doors I've noticed how it was starting to rain, the first one hit my forehead sliding down my nose... Doing the crying for me... And it kept coming, I went inside the building and went to the biggest window of the school where I can still see my car parked and the lights are still on... And in the mist of the darkness at least 5 men came out the shadows surrounding the car dragging Rio out. Kicking, stomping, punching, anything and everything you can ever imagine they were doing it. And I watched... And watched
Its been 2 hours and they haven't finished but I was satisfied and left the school... Walking towards the fighting,

"Hey what's going on here!" I yelled and the four men scattered like roaches and only one remained, I looked down and saw Rio badly beaten, the rain carried his blood into the sewers like ants carrying food back to it's nest...the one person who remained was Alex, his tears stayed on his face.. no matter how much the rain poured the tears never stopped running

"I DID WHAT YOU ASKED!" he shouted, he couldn't even stand up straight wobbly on one foot to the other. Gradually coming closer towards me.....

Him standing there with his hands behind his back not showing any clear emotion... Rio... My best friend Rio!

"HOW COULD YOU MAKE ME DO THIS!" I  shouted I dropped down to my knees where his face was just a couple itches away from mine... " Is this what you wanted from the beginning... To see him hurt?" I questioned, I stared into his eyes they stared cold at me... He's a monster...

"No... I never wanted this" I heard his footsteps come closer towards me. To the point he was standing just a few feet away from me "stand... And I'll tell you why..."
I've always known that nothing good was ever coming from max... Maybe in the beginning I was jealous of his beauty and how smart he was and I was feeling insecure about myself... But now he's something else... Something more... Something dangerous...
I remember being at the park... My dad was abusing my mother's kindness so I left then I heard his voice

"Uh- hi do you wanna play with me?" He asked he had short black hair and big pink eyes, he was really skinny looking... I was in a bad mood of course so I gave him a annoyed answer

"No go away loser" I tched... That was my first ever encounter with Rio... Then after that we started being best friends we did everything together... Literally everything.. I opened my eyes and saw his face all covered in blood... I should have done more to protect you Rio... I'm.. going to... No matter what... I'll protect you, I bit down on my teeth and stood up

"Max you-" this overwhelming pain... Stabbed my gut. I looked down and saw it was blood running out from my body onto a knife .. "you.." the hot burn of blood arosed out from my mouth... He... Stabbed me

"At the end of the day... You hurt Rio mentally and physically I can't forgive that" I've never felt fear... Until I saw that demiotic face that had a murderous smile with those unstable eyes... but sure-eyes he was sure of what he was doing... He didn't have any regret like it's his last day on earth and he's doing what he wants... With no regrets

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