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My head doesn't feel too good...
I feel like my body is rotting on the inside
. I can feel it... I-i- want to go to the hospital...but I can't find the strength to move. my mouth feels...dry and hot.

"hey, Rio...I have something that might help with your sickness, Dr. Martin told me to give this to you"

He stepped closer to the bed holding a cup up to my lips... red liquids were sliding down the outside of the cup...and the medicine looked...muddy like muddy red

"don't be shy now...drink" he forced the cup up to my lips but I turned away...the smell of iron hit my nose...I know medicine smells but this is disgusting. suddenly he pressed onto the sides of my cheeks forcing my mouth to open so the liquid can flow inside.

"you're just like a child...who doesn't want to eat their veggies even though they are good for you" I-i- don't know what max put in here...but this taste is similar to blood...the lumps that are inside this drink are chewy... what is this that's going inside my mouth??

" Rio...don't you have cancer in your brain? " he asked then looked down at his hands...

"maybe...if I cut out your brain then replace-" he caught me staring at him and stopped talking. did..he just say... cut....out my..brain? before I could think... the local news came on

"We have some sad news the killer of Marcus johnson is still not been discovered, if you know anything please call this number below" Marcus...he and I had a rough start...but I feel like...we can mend things I truly believe...but now he's gone...I remember meeting him for the first time he was so charming and nice but then I slowly saw his true colors...just like max...

I can feel him staring intensely at me...I'm scared to turn around...but I heard him leaving the room shutting the door.   

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