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I don't remember how I got here everything was blurry and moving so quickly... But seeing him on the floor covered in blood was the only clear thing to me it reminded me of the dark room, scared wanting to go home to the person that loves you the most. But no one loves us...

"My legs...what did you do..." He huffed. It looked bad his legs looks  bad, they were bending in places they weren't supposed to go.

" Oh well you know; I killed Marcus and I'm going to kill you to but first you're going to have to stop moving" Kyle laughed.

"No" I snapped "we can't kill him we have to figure out who he sent that video too. After that we can let him go" I tried explaining that to him but all he wants to do is kill people. I went down the stairs towards Lucas

"You'll never find out! Everywhere you turn everywhere you look, you're going to think someone is after you! And that'll bring me the most joy" even though hes weak, he still had some strength to say that full of confidence, that amazed me...for a moment. I crouched down to his level staring at him in his raven black eyes.

"Look I'm in a rush, just tell me who you sent it to, or I won't kill you" his eyes jumped, up his confidence is draining slowly...

"Please don't kill me" he cried clinging onto my shirt

"Resorted to begging have we. What happened to those big words you were saying a minute ago" Kyle taunted

"I' anything you want" I felt something like a tapping moving slowly all the way to my penis and a hard tugging on the zipper, is he really trying to seduce me? "I'll suck your dick...I'll be a good little slut, just don't kill me " whispering in my ear.

"What makes you think you are worthy of my dick?" I stood back up, it's clear all he wants is to escape, while I'm not on graud and that's every second. And if I have to stay here and watch him I wouldn't know what's happening with Rio. " If your not going to tell me, we have nothing to discuss" his cries become more desperate and more annoying. Why can't he just die? No I can't think like that, I promised myself that no one will die in this basement. I need some air. I walked up the stairs preparing to close the basement door, until I heard something that sparked inside me,

"please I'll stay with you and I won't try to escape"

"What..." I muttered

"Please don't leave me alone!" Him and I are the same... He grew up abandoned and so did I! I can't just be the monster who did the same thing to me, I have to be better! I walked back down the stairs,
"I...don't want to be alone" he muttered
I wrapped my arms around him tightly laying my head on his shoulder

"Neither do I..." this touch... It feels real, nothing never felt more real than this... It feels so... committed, like I can do anything... without ever stressing about messing up.

"L-l-lets d-d-do...s-something... else" he muttered

"Like what" he's so skinny he'll stay...I felt something touching my crouch

"T-h-at" I looked up at him, he was constantly looking away he couldn't really look me in the eye, but he made himself too, I looked down back at his chest and lifted up his shirt tucking my head underneath, I rested my lips onto his tender nipple and began to suck, my mother she was very beautiful, snowy blonde hair cold blue eyes, everyone wanted her, and she knew so she didn't care, with each passing compliment her ego grew, I could tell she was embarrassed to be out in public with me, one night she sneaked me inside the casino, for God knows why... I remember crying loudly because I was hungry, by that time I wasn't off breastfeeding. My mom took me inside the women's bathroom, I thought she was going to feed me, but she perked up her boobs and applied more layers of makeup, she gave me to this woman I remember her clearly, long brown hair and black eyes wearing a dark blue dress, she pulled down her sleeve and sticked her tit in my mouth, I was hungry so of course I had to suck. I did that all while my mother was partying I sucked on random women's tit just because she didn't want to look was all my fault.... If I wasn't born none of this would have happened I wouldn't be sucking on a random person tit again! The taste of blood filled my mouth... I opened my eyes to find a hole in his chest, his nipple was missing pouring out with blood. His body was twitching, I sucked too hard... I came up spitting out his nipple from my mouth. I moved my tongue onto the blood licking it up his chest.

"So ..good hot" I groan, I removed my head from underneath his shirt to find him biting on his finger hard, it was bleeding I'm guessing from all the pain of me sucking...

"C-c-can we stop" his teeth was stained with blood, but his tears wash it away. "Please"

"Sure" I told him standing back up,. He's going to be here for awhile no doubt, but when he feels it's okay to tell me who he sent it to then ill let him go, he can't leave before that happens either.

"A-a-are you leaving??" He cling to my pants "bring me with you"

"Are you serious" I can't believe he actually wants to be with me. "You dont find me annoying or a problem" he shook his side to side giving me a big smile

"No not at all" this shinning light coming from within him...I thought this light could only be found in Rio but odviously I was blind...I was blind to see that the real light was from him, the shadows he wanted my attention that's why he hid inside the bathroom that's why he didn't tell me the password it was all leading up to this moment! I couldn't contain myself any longer ripping off his pants "max" he shouted he tried hiding his body from me, covering his anus with his hands

"It's okay you don't have to be embarrassed with me"  I placed my hand onto his shaking hand, he still wasn't moving it,

"stop no!" He shut his legs, I don't understand... He was just begging for it awhile ago

"I find you worthy of my dick" I spoke upon him forcing his legs to separate, he shouted and cried in a desperate attempt to cover himself I took his hand and squeeze it tighty...  he screamed and moved his hand out of the way, not moving it. I placed my hands into my zipper pulling them down, I can already feel his body heat on my groan warming me up like a summer's day, I placed the tip inside and keep moving it forward, I bite hardly onto his lip causing it to bleed  , I watched him as he cruled his toes like a half moon shaped,blood

"It hurts it hurts" he cried, unlike how I brought Marcus here people are actually awake and since it's winter more people will be indoors, I don't want them to hear him, I took my fist shoving it down his throat, he should be lucky I find someone like him Worthy if my time and affort,
His insides were tight and warm, damp but watery. I began thrusting in and out of him, trying to loosing him up but nothing was working, he was just too tight, i don't see the pleasure of doing this... Doesn't feel good and just feels....

"This is so hot, it reminds me of when you sticked your dick inside me" Kyle groaned inside my ear " what are you not turned on?" The gagging sounds of him choking on my fist and the unnecessary blood leaking out from him.

"You'll stay with me right" I muttered, choked, slurp....max, " say you'll stay!" I shouted  staring at his sweaty face taking my hand from his mouth wrapping it around his neck, now he can say it...he can say those words.... Like he said before....if he do then...I'll be able to feel something. Anything, but he wasn't saying nothing he wasn't saying anything but

"C-c-an't" what does he mean... Can't? He can't say those words to me? My grip tighten...he don't want to stay with me?

"Fine just die then I don't give a fuck about you! You deserve to die! You deserve it you fucking homosexual!" I shouted... Preparing to snap his neck

"C-c-cant...get..e-e-no-enough of you" he gagged, I felt my cum shoot straight inside him, I let go of my hand and started huffing, he cant get enough of me? He likes me that he's making me blush! I pulled out pulling up my pants. I'll make sure he stays alive.

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