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He doesn't express anything emotions towards anyone that isn't Rio but this time is different, he's twitching holding his hands over his mouth so the giggles won't escape. But ultimately they did and when they did I couldn't tell the difference between max and myself.

"Now everyone who loves Rio is dead" he threw his head back in amusement, his eyes so big I fear they were going to pop out "everyone besides me!" He clutched onto his chest what appears to him digging his nails into his heart.

"Fate has decided that Rio and I will be together" he drooled he moved his hands over towards his face clawing his fingers into his cheek

"What do you think of that ander?" He asked knowing their won't be any response "this is my perfect world!" He shouted

"This is my life! Thats right I have Rio" he growled he collapsed onto all fours and steady laughing...

"Cut that out max, we have to leave before the police arrive" like a press on a button he stopped laughing and got up

" Okay let's go! " He bolted up running down the stairs.


The inside of the bar was clear nothing but lingering bottles of nothing.

I opened the door and saw everyone huddle around his body.

Oh how I wish the stay but I really need to get going. I walked over towards my car getting inside

"Sir-?" I looked over and saw this women. What is she doing in my car

"Get out"

"This is my car im waiting for a friend" she explained.

"Oh seriously?" I looked around and the interior didn't look like mine. Could it be that I've forgotten "sorry" I said getting out the car...

Where's my car? I saw this black car in the distance could that be it? I walked over towards it and opened the door I saw that red stain and figured it was mine.

"Took you long enough" Kyle said

"You've could have gotten me" I sighed starting the engine.

"Well I'ma nap wake me up when we are home" he groaned. How about don't wake up at all

I've arrived at home and stepped out the car I've made it towards the door without waking Kyle. This is good

"Max I hope you weren't planning on leaving me in that car alone" it was a shock to hear is voice and his touch. I gulped

"I forgot that you were inside" I replied I can tell from the corner of my eye he wasn't grinning... His stares are always intense because I know what he is capable of doing....

"Your only saying that because, Rio doesn't want me in the house aren't you?"

"If you just don't say anything upsetting then he'll be fine with it" I twisted the door knob

"Did I say proceed?" He was so quick with his actions digging his knife inside my hand. I held my spit this hurts .. " you may enter" he smiled and I quickly did.

Rushing into the bathroom dropping the knife I was holding  putting a bandaid wrap around my hand...

No matter how tightly I wrap it. Blood still finds a way to spill.

I didn't even hear Rios dramatically coughing... He must need medicine. I looked at the bloody hand and decided it'll be alright.

I went inside the kitchen pouring the medicine inside a cup walking towards my room...

"Max, where are you?" his soft groans crawling into my ear... He's in pain right now... And he's using all the energy he has to call my name! Amazing!

Rio you are amazing!  I touched the doorknob preparing to open it. I felt his hands touching my shoulders again

"Kyle" I muttered

"What are you doing?" He asked Can he not tell ? I'm going to have Rio his medicine "can you not hear what I hear?"

"He's coughing" I explained "he's in pain"

"Listen max" he placed his finger on my lip I listened to his coughing then his coughing suddenly turned into him begging out for me.

My name...he's calling out to me !

"If you give him that medicine then you won't be able to hear it"  I still want to hear it ... His groans of symphony.

"Max.." he coughed, I went inside the bathroom and flushed the medicine down the toilet then entered the room

"I'm sorry it looked like I'm going to have to purchase some more medicine for you Rio" he looked disappointed

" To be honest I didn't think that medicine was working" I told him.

" I need to tell you something" he muttered. His eyebrows aren't open this must be serious. " When the doctor came... He told me I had cancer"

" Oh really? " I crossed my arms " im sorry "  he popped his head up looking at me in confusion

" Wait that's all you have to say?"

"I don't know what you want me to say"

"Well aren't you going to kick me out?" I'm confused does he want me to? I chuckled


"But I have cancer"

"Okay" am I supposed to care? We all die at some point his time just came earlier than normal " you want something to eat?" But he didn't respond due to him staring in disbelief

"You don't care that I have cancer?"

"It's not that big of a deal"


"I won't let you go, I'll help you in whatever way I can" it's odvious that you've never been with a good guy before

"But I'm ugly! And sick all the time" he coughed "see I can't even finish a sentence with coughing" he was starting to tear up

"In the inside your a good person that's all that matters to me"

"H-how am I a good person" snot was leaking out from his nose onto his top lip. I tried not to look but everytime he talks it just gets everywhere

"Because you talked to me" I grin "I'll take care and watch over you like I've always had"

"T-thank you" he cried

"Your welcome" everything is perfect

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