gentle giant

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Aizen... He wanted nothing more but to help me...

But you got caught up in my mess and now you are dead! I'll avenge you... I tucked the knife inside my shirt up ahead I saw max re enter that same gay bar... The gay bar I first when to went I turned 18 ...

The bar where I met aizen...

The bar where I met a murder...

I walked inside, tommy didn't say anything...

I entered and I saw him and he saw me... He wasn't trying to hide the fact he wanted me to guide me....

Maybe to a more public place where he'll have witnesses...

But I don't care when I get close to him I'ma kill him! He went up the stairs nothing played but the sounds of our footsteps...

"Max" I growled we made it to the rooftop of the bar and I quickly took out my knife pointing it to him. "you planned all this didn't you?" He didn't reply and steady leaning on the rooftop rail.

"first you tricked my you killed aizen and frammed me for murder all leading up to this moment" I clutched tighter...

"I did... Do all of that but there's something I didn't do" he turned around finally looking me in the eye " I didn't kill aizen"

"Don't you fucking lie to me !" I pointed the knife at him

" I'm serious all I did was stalk you and I was trying to look for a good opportunity for my friend to kill you" he admitted that he was going to kill me.

" Enough of this! Your lying to me! " I clutched my teeth " why would I believe a measly cold blooded murder"

" Because deep down you know you killed him too. " I killed... Aizen? No no no!

" Shut up! "I swung the knife jurassically just get away! get the lies away it's getting too close to me just get away! get away!

"You've seen it! His apartment was locked from the inside. The only one who could have done it was you"

" It wasn't me! Aizen he helped me I'll never betray him! "

There was a moment of silence not that he didn't have a counter to his argument. He just wanted to watch the wind run it's course through my hair.

" You were paranoid of the teacher showing up... And during that paranoia you killed aizen"

" Stop... It your wrong"I muttered. "He  was helping me... I won't just do that!

" Are you desperately trying to hide from your truth?"

I gulped "I'm...not hiding from...anything"

"although maybe the same thing happen with that man you shot" my heart dropped...of course he'll use that against me.

"that was in accident I wasn't sober!" I'll never hurt anyone was an accident

"was it? I bet the only reason why you regret shooting him is because you got caught. didn't even feel bad that you caused him to lose his ability to walk"what....- how does he know this much about my past...?

" Stop talking I'm going to kill you! " I stepped closer towards him

"The only killer here is you... You don't need to deny it your face says it for you, your face already plead guilty."

Aizen... I teared up I... Killed him I covered my mouth trembling onto the floor... I killed him it was me. Me it was me! His soft gentle face... Now stained with his own blood.

" To one murder to another" he said. I looked into his hands as he held onto a bottle of tequila. I reached my hand out of it the bottle fit perfectly into my palm. Then his fearstuck smile of his hit my body... I see... This is fear...

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