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Word count: 2761

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Riley's POV


Luciano wasn't speaking to me.

He hadn't even left his study downstairs since he told me he wanted to be alone. When I knocked, he merely told me to go away and I'd spent an hour tossing and turning as I waited for him to come to bed but he didn't.

I was worried about him because what if something happened to him?

I rolled my eyes while shredding the Irish potatoes, scoffing at my thoughts. What could happen to him anyway? He had his men.

He didn't need me. He'd even requested of me to go to my brother's place while all I wanted to do was get a little break and then go back to talk to him. 

With that I focused on my tasks, moving to the fresh tomatoes when I was done and delicately slicing them in rings.

The sound of someone's giggle kept distracting me and I paused, glancing at the giggling party before rolling my eyes in disdain.

Since this lady got here yesterday, she'd somehow wormed her way into the heart of the maids and she even spent time chatting with them. Or at least that was what I saw when I alighted the stairs this morning.

A few of the maids were gathered around the house, giggling with her while she told them a story.

They never spoke with me. In fact, they were scared of me. Or at least that was what they made me believe because whenever I spoke with them, they would look down at their feet. Only one maid didn't treat me that way when I just got here and I hadn't seen her in months now.

After frying my potatoes and preparing my sauce, I dished enough for me and Luciano and then added a carton of apple juice. There was no need to take cups since he had them in his office. 

I cleared my space and washed my pot, before walking out to his office and ignoring the silence that passed in the kitchen as I walked out.

On getting to the door, I knocked but got no response. Then I opened the door and walked in, softly shutting the door behind me.

"Luci?" I called but got no response.

I looked around. He wasn't at the desk.

I dropped the tray and then looked around again, frowning.

Stepping out, I faced the bodyguard stationed at the door. "Did he go out?"

"No Ms. He never left his study all night."

"Oh." I walked in again and looked around. The study was a bit larger than my room, with three large shelves. There was one on the left side of the study which was the largest and two behind the desk.

I walked to the left and nodded when I realized there was a door there. Opening it, I squinted at the sudden darkness that greeted me. Then I walked in and felt around the walls for a switch. When I found it, I pressed the switch and shut my eyes, covering it with my arm before dropping it.

A groan followed as I dropped my arm to stare at the figure lying on the bed in front of me. I looked around, realizing there was actually a properly furnished room attached to his study.

"What are you doing here?" Luciano asked as he stared at me, yawning.

My eyes trailed over his bare chest and I blinked, licking my lower lip. He sat up on the bed and rested his back on the headrest, throwing an arm behind the back of his head to support himself.

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