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[date started: 9/30/22 - date published: ?]

{summary: he lost that twinkle, the one the sparkles in his eyes when he looks at me, when he looks at anyone.}

TW: car accident (head trauma)

*lowercase on purpose*
louis' pov
[chapter 1: when you see me]
the crowds that gather in the school corridor finally level out, one student is holding hands, another is reading quietly amongst themselves. it is nothing out of the ordinary, it's only weird for me because i am the head soccer player, i make or break the team and i'm usually scrunched by all the other popular students of the school, im one of them. there's so many things that go into being popular, my reputation, my student-athlete work ethic and of course my senior homecoming court. i didn't ask or really want to be nominated but that's what i get for being a good player and for having feathery brown hair with enchanting blue eyes.

i'm only here after hours because i had to retake a history test, it was such an easy topic too, i guess i'm just distracted. i'm not the best at school and never will be but there's a young junior in all the senior honor classes because he excels tremendously.

harry styles, brown curls, green forest eyes, somewhat lanky, large glasses that i usually hear people making comments about and for some reason it really hurts to think someone could be talking about me like that.

he's dorky but i'm not sure why someone would make fun of him, he's kind of adorable. not that i would particularly care, my girlfriend jezabelle, she's my conformity, head cheerleader, just as popular, my guy friends love her just as much as me.

as i pass by the large class doors leading to the student parking lot on the east side of the building, i see harry anxious and picking at his hangnails. he's pacing like something is keeping him waiting.

"harry right?" i say as i slowly approach him.

he jumps back a bit. expected. he looks shocked that someone like me would talk to someone like him and that i would know his name. i only know it because jezabelle doesn't like him, she's never told me why and refuses to tell me now. he's also the top ranked student in the entire school, beating out Ralph Anderson, a foreign exchange student who was so stupidly smart there was no competition until harry joined our school this year.

"yeah it's harry, you're the soccer captain right?" i nod, he's actually really well sculpted up close, the chisel yet soft jawline, the almond shape of his eyes, the deep green that feels like an abyss of forest.

"i saw you pacing is everything alright?" harry blushes at embarrassment, he was probably waiting for someone to pick him up, harry skipped a few grades he's the youngest junior to date, he's only fifthteen.

"just waiting on my ride, she was supposed to get here an hour ago but for some reason she won't pick up." he explains so carelessly, like the words he is saying has no impact on him or anyone.

"oh i see, do you possibly want a ride, i don't work until five anyways."

"uhm it's fine, i don't really mind." i feel disappointed for some reason, i thought i could be helpful or at least get to know the younger boy better but overall it is his decision.

"gotcha, see you around?" harry nods and i begin to walk away, almost feeling rejected to a dance or a special event with a plus one.

not a big deal, he might just be intimidated or shocked someone like me would ask or he thinks he's too good to ride in my 2014 red bmw.

i turn back and notice how harry still waits patiently. how dare he reject my offer, he thinks he's so amazing and intelligent.

"okay, so why do you not want a ride?" harry turns back to look at me, his eyes twinkling a little bit.

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