Chapter 2

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I never understood why my father left when I was 10 years old. If anything, I would've preferred him leave when i was first born. Spare me my memories, Spare me my heartache, and definitely Spare me my hope of him one day coming back. Every now and again I catch myself wondering about him. Sometimes I wonder if he's doing okay, or sometimes i'll wonder if he's doing better since he left me and my mom. Honestly, I don't blame him for leaving my mom, she is a bitch sometimes. Always nagging me about her plans for me and not ever once asking me... What i wanted for me.

I officially submitted some designs of mine to some fashion designers, and hopefully one or maybe all of them get back to me. I'm excited to see what the future holds for me and fashion.

"Daydreaming again, Reyelle?" Amy says from her kitchen.
"You already know," I giggle, looking back at her.

My mom cancelled her plans to come and visit me! THANK GOD! and..... It's been a couple of weeks since the whole 'Bitter Stellina Club' Fiasco. I can honestly say, I do sometimes think about Callum. Not necessarily Callum, it's those dark blue eyes. Those eyes are the sky's canvas, and they have a story behind them and I want to know that story. But...I haven't worked up the courage to go back to the Club, so for right now, I dream.

"Rey, you should go out more." Amy says sipping her orange juice.
"Oh yeah...Maybe i should," I tell her back, and I know she's right. I've been so focused on my fashion line dreams, I'm not even enjoying my 20's!
"I have an amazing idea, We should go to 'Bitter Stellina' tonight." I say looking at Amy hopeful.
"You don't gotta tell me twice!" She says getting up and doing that stupid little happy dance of hers. God, what would i do without her?

After a good 30 minutes roaming through Amy's closet, I finally found something that screamed... "REYELLE".

It was a perfect Orange dress, it showed my delicious curves and my girls

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It was a perfect Orange dress, it showed my delicious curves and my girls. 🍒 I looked amazing, and of course I paired the dress with some low sparkly heels. The Bitter Stellina won't know what hit them when I walk in. Callum won't know what hit him. XD!

—— AT THE CLUB ——-

As we pull up to the entrance to the Bitter Stellina, of course, there is a long ass line. I look at my phone to see what time it was and it's 10:30pm. Me and Amy immediately make eye contact and we both say "Ladies get in free after 10!"
We both laugh as we get out of our Uber and make our way to the long line.

It's about 11:45pm now and i'm honestly thinking coming out tonight was a bad idea. I can't believe we put in all this effort to come out, just to wait in a line forever. I'm just gonna call me and Amy an Uber, I should've never came out tonight. I pull out my phone to find me and Amy an Uber and just as i'm about to put in our location, the loudest car pulls up to the Club.

"What the hell!" I say a little too loudly.
"It's the owner," Amy says.
"I don't care who it is, nobodies car ignition should be that loud," I say back.
"Snarky," Amy chuckles back.

Everyone starts pushing to see the "mysterious owner" and i must say, my curiosity got the best of me. So of course, I wanted to see the owner of the club and the loud ass car. I push a couple of people out of the way, and finally I made eye contact with the deepest blue eyes. I know these eyes anywhere... It's my man... Err, I mean Callum.

He smiles and waved at me and as soon as I know it, he starts walking towards me.
He can't be walking towards me, it might be another girl he's coming to see. I mean he is the owner of the hottest club in San Diego, of course I fall for a player.
WHY AM I SWEATING RIGHT NOW? I say in my head. He's getting closer and closer to me. I gotta say though, his suit looks perfect on him. It fits his figure just perfectly, he's just perfect.
"I know him," I managed to say to Amy.
"YOU KNOW CALLUM BIANCHI!" She tells a little too loudly.
I look at her and slap my hand on my forehead. What a night this is going to be!

You know the saying, "God didn't rest on the 7th day because he was creating something more beautiful?" Well.... I found that something beautiful and it's Callum Bianchi.

He finally approaches me and says, "Amore".
I smile back at him and I finally spit out, "H—- Hey Callum!"
Pathetic Reyelle, of course you start studdering, UGHHH!
"Having trouble with our words, are we Amore?" He chuckles, "We can fix that."
My eyes practically bulge out of my head and of course he just laughs at me.
"You look Gorgeous by the way. That dress matches your skin perfectly." He says caressing my arm.
"Thank you, you clean up nicely yourself." I say looking back into his eyes.
He traces my arm all the way to my hand and slowly we interlace our hands together.
"Come... and bring your friend too amore." He says lifting up the rope for me and Amy.
I grab Amy's hand and of course she whispers in my ear, "Ooooo, Amore!"
I smile back at her and I give her a little friendly push before we make our way into The Bitter Stellina.

Callum invited me and Amy into his personal VIP section, with his own bar, strippers, security, literally everything.
"Hey Des, anything these two ladies want, just put it on my tab," Callum says to the bartender. 
"You got it Boss," Des says to Callum with a friendly nod.
"Boss," Amy mocks as she is bumping me with her hip.
I just look at her and laugh, how sillier can she really get.
"What can i get you Ladies tonight?" He ask as he takes a glance at Amy's boobs.
" We will both take rum and coke," She says looking at me. I giver her a reassuring nod.
Des nods and gets to making our drinks, he is kinda intimidating, not gonna lie. Des has the same dark hair as Callum, but I can see little brown streaks in his. The way him and Callum carry theirselves is similar as well. You can tell they are both confident in who they are.
Des finally gives me and Amy our drink and of course Amy makes her way to the dance floor. Me on the other hand, I go sit on the couch beside the bar.
Callum disappeared shortly after he told Des his orders but i'm hopeful that he will maybe come back.
          ______ ONE HOUR LATER _____
I'm on my 3rd Rum&Coke and still no sign of Callum. Amy still hasn't came back from the dance floor and my eyes lost her about 30 minutes ago. I finally decide to go look for her, I head out of the VIP lounge to the dance floor.
"Hey baby," This random creep says.
"Goodbye Creep," I say right before I push him out of my way.
After a few minutes of circling the bar, I finally found Amy making out with this random dude. I go up behind her and tap her on the shoulder.
"Excuse me, Ma'am"
"What the fu—... Oh, Hey Rey!" She says very slurry.
"Yep, time to go," I say grabbing her hand and her purse.
"Oh Rey... Come on, I've only had one Rum&Coke and 7 vodka shots." Amy says even more slurred.
"AMY, you're right... we're definitely leaving now." I say dragging her to the entrance.
After a few stops from Amy saying hey to every boy we walked by, we finally made it to the entrance. We make it to the door and I'm
guessing they got a few more security guards because of ladies free night.
"Ma'am, Mr.Bianchi told me to make sure you don't leave." One of the security guards says.
"He did what now?" I ask in utter confusion.
"He said to make sure you don't leave," He says with much more attitude this time.
"Well you tell Mr.Bianchi, He shouldn't have left me for over an hour in his VIP lounge and maybe i wouldn't be leaving." I tell the security guard.
Yes, I'm a little pissed because i wanted to spend sometime with Callum tonight. That was literally my whole point in coming to The Bitter Stellina tonight.
"Now if you would excuse me, Me and my... Drunk friend are leaving now!" I say with an attitude back at  him.
He looks me in my eye and then he finally moves so Amy and I can make it to our Uber.

Amy falls asleep instantly when we enter my apartment. I lay out 2 ibuprofen and some water for her hangover when she wakes up. As for me, I take a shower, put my bonnet on and I drift off thinking of none other than.... Callum Bianchi. Who does he think he is?

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