Chapter 24

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"Are you serious Reyelle?" Tory says looking at my designs. My heart skips a few beats, I thought I did really good with my designs and the fabric suggestions. 

"These are amazing! You put your arm and foot in these designs girl!" She says flipping to my personal favorite and showing it to me. She scared me there for a minute.

"I'm glad you like them Tory!" 

"Let's talk about models. Who do you see modeling for this collection?" She ask setting down my notebook. 

"Well of course my friend Amy, but I definitely want to incorporate some minority models. Red just blends into brown skin so well." 

"I agree, I have a few models in mind but I will have to check in with them to see if they're okay with it. This is going to be great!" She says clapping her hands excitedly. 

"I know I'm so excited. I'll have my assistant schedule a fitting for the models. If you could just send me their number or management number?" I ask taking out my pen to write down my new goal for the week. 

"I will have them all sent to you by tonight. Also, I don't want you to forget to make sure you plan an outfit for yourself. For the end of our showing of the collection." She says typing in her phone.  That totally slipped my mind, I haven't even thought about myself at all these past couple of weeks. It's just been a continuing cycle of NYFW, Callum, keeping up my lie with Amy and my fake pregnancy, and newly opening my own boutique. 

"This place is amazing Reyelle. It's all coming together so nicely." Tory says complimenting my new office and the rest of the building. 

"That means so much Tory. I get my furniture in next week and I have a painter coming in as well." 

"We have a lot to look forward to in the next week. Next time I see you will be on my private plane to New York!" She says standing up and embracing me.

"Can't wait!" I say squeezing her tightly. 


"Why lie?" Callum ask frustratedly. 

"I didn't mean to, it just..." 

"Just what? You're just making things harder for me Reyelle." he says as he paces back and forth in the bedroom. 

"It might not be a lie, If I'm being honest. My period has been late for 1 and half weeks now." I say looking down at my bare feet. "You haven't been using condoms our last few times either." 

"Have you take a test?" He ask sitting next to me and rubbing my back. 

"No. I haven't been sick so I haven't thought anything of it." 

"I'm sorry baby, I've just been stressed with Ramona, Santiago, and Lilliana. I shouldn't take it out on you." He says places a kiss on my cheek. 

"It's fine. I'm just going to sleep at my apartment tonight, okay?" I say getting up from his bed. 

"Reyelle, No. If you are pregnant I need you to be here with me. So I can protect you and mini me."

"I don't want to cause you any more stress so, I'm just gonna leave." I say slipping on my ugg slides. 

"You're not leaving." Callum says grabbing my wrist and giving it a tight squeeze. I try to pull away only making his grip tighter. 

"Callum let me go. I'm leaving and that's final." I say tugging away from him. 

"You're not." 

"I am." 

"You. Are. Not." He says as I feel his hand slapping me across my face leaving my cheek burning and probably red. I feel my eyes begin to water and I can feel my nose scrunching up the way it does when I'm angry-sad. His grip loosens and I quickly take my hand away from his.

I slowly step away from him as I feel my tears drip down the side of my cheeks. He hit me. He slapped me at that. Hard too. A man isn't suppose to hit a woman. My mom always said if a man ever hits me... I run... as fast as I can. So I do. I ran down the stairs through this house and to his garage where my car is. I crank up my jeep and I drive. I drive all the way to my apartment. I run up the stairs to my apartment and I go straight to my room and I sleep. A very much needed sleep. 

~ Flashback from Reyelle 10 years old ~

"You be good for me baby girl, I'll be back soon." Dad says giving me a kiss on my head. Tears run down my eyes as I remember what my ears heard only moments before. He isn't coming back though. I hold onto his hand a little longer hoping the memory of my mother screams would go away but they didn't. So when I let his hand go, I let him go as well. 

"Rey, is that you?" My mom ask from the kitchen as I walk into the house. 

"Yes Mama, it's me." I say walking into the kitchen to wash my hands. I notice her wrist had red marks on them. She looked over at me but I quickly put my focus back on washing my hands so she wouldn't notice. 

"We're having your favorite tonight, shrimp gumbo!" She says stirring the big pot of gumbo she made. 

"Yay!" I say as put together as I can. But I can't hold onto it anymore. I let it out, I cry my heart out. I feel my moms arms come around me and I hug her and cry into her even more. She shouldn't have to go through that. My father shouldn't have done that to begin with. 

"Reyelle, you know I love you." She says kissing my forehead. 

"He shouldn't have done that mama!" I says crying into her some more. 

"Rey, let me tell you something baby. Look at me." She says forcing my head up to look at her. She wipes my tears away and gives me a small peck on my nose. 

"Never let a man hit you, okay? Because if he does it one time, then he will do it again and then he will think it's okay. It's not ok baby." She says now crying herself. I nod my head yes as I hug into her more. 

"If a man ever hits you, you run baby. Run as fast as your little shrimp legs will take you." She says lightening the mood. She gives me one more hug as we both finish our night off with shrimp gumbo. My all time favorite. Only when made by my mom.

I gasp for air as I sit up in my bed. I all of a sudden remember. That's why my Dad left. My mom kicked him out. She was done with the abuse she had gone through all those years. I quickly grab my phone to call her. The line rings a couple of times but she finally picks up her phone after what felt like forever. 

Reyelle, do you know what time it is honey?

"Mama, I love you." 


There is no excuse for violence. There is never a justification for anyone to impose themselves on someone else. And it will always be incorrect when it comes to a man and a woman, regardless of what might have happened. You need to be man enough to take the blow. That is always the best way. Do not put your hands on a woman.

- Jim Brown

** Also sorry for the short chapter! More to come next chapter! **

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