Chapter 13

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Reyelle and Amy dresses below! (Since the Italian flag is white, red, and green, that's what I tried to coordinate the dresses with.) NOT CHRISTMAS COLORS!


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"One more pose Amy! These photos are gonna look so good on my Instagram

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"One more pose Amy! These photos are gonna look so good on my Instagram." I ask her as she jokingly rolls her eyes at me.

"Just don't forget to tag me babes!" She says striking another pose. I giggle at her little comment and snap the photo just as I feel strong arms come around me.

I turn around and I'm met the most tender kiss he has ever given me, I smile and look up at Callum.

"Hey you," I say taking my hands from his chest to fix his collar. He grabs my hand from his collar and places a kiss on both of them.

"I got you something amore." He says reaching into his pocket pulling out a beautiful diamond necklace, that probably cost a fortune. I can't believe he went through the trouble of even buying it for me.

"You didn't have to do that." I say taking my arms from him and wrapping them around my body, hoping to calm the butterflies floating all around.

"Yes I did amore, I thought this would be a nice accessory along with the hickies you tried to cover." He say brushing the hickies on my neck that I tried so desperately to hide with foundation. I don't even wear foundation.

I smile at his comment as he turns me around and attaches the necklace to my neck, I touch the beautiful diamonds as they glisten in the moonlight along with my skin. Callum gives me a kiss on my shoulder before interlacing our hands together as he leads me to the limo.

The building where this initiation banquet is humongous. That's a complete understatement, it's humongous x100, Callum did tell me that all of the Mafia families would be here, so I guess this big place is needed.

"You okay amore?" Callum ask placing his hand on my exposed thigh. I look over at him and give him a smile and a nod. Sometimes I just can't believe this is my life, living my dream with a gorgeous man. It doesn't get better than this.

"Better than okay," I say leaning over to him giving him a kiss, I'm pretty sure I'll be getting plenty more kisses later on tonight.

The limo finally arrives at the entrance, and I can see a bunch of guards lined up on the outlines of the long carpet leading the way into the building. The driver gets out of the car and opens the door for me, as I exit a flash startles me and I make eye contact with a photographer shouting Spanish words at me. I smile as he takes another photo of me as I head over to a smiling Callum who quickly grabs my hand and leads me into the building.

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