Chapter 14

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                                                                                    ~Callum POV~

Flashback from 26 years old

"She will love them, I know she will darling." Her mom says reassuring me. I know Ramona told me she loved pink roses, but there is a sense of nervousness in me. I just love her so much, we've been together a long time, and todays the day I officially propose. Even though we are already arranged to be married, I still wanted to propose to Ramona, to make it officially official. If she would hurry downstairs, but she always has to look perfect. 

"I'm going to go check on her." I tell her mom setting the flowers down on a table. 

"Alright, you know where her room is chico." Her mom says from the kitchen.

I head upstairs and I hear loud thuds from the end of the hallway leading to her bedroom. She's always throwing things, but I thought she was cute when she was angry, especially when her nose scrunched up. I walk further down the hallway and I hear her whimper a little bit, I should be the only one making her do that 

I quickly rush towards her room and I go to open the door but it's locked. I knock a couple of times and I hear her curse. 

"You okay my love?" I ask from outside the door. 

"Yes baby!" She says out of breath. The only time she sounds like this is if we've had rough sex or if she's really trying to find that pink sweater her grandma knitted for her before she died. 

"Open the door babe." I tell her as I knock some more. I hear mumbling and I know for a fact that isn't Ramona. She never mumbles, If she has something to say, she always says it, that's one of things I love about her. Her honesty. 

"Who is that?" I ask knocking on the door some more. "Unlock this door Ramona." 

"Hold on Papí!" She yells still out of breath. The mumbling starts back up and I know for a fact some other man is in there with her, and they sound so familiar. 

"Ramona, open the fucking door now!" I yell now gripping her door knob. 

"Hold on!" She yells back. 

I really don't want to do this but I do it anyway. I break down the door, seeing naked Ramona and my best friend who is laying on her bed wrapped in her sheets. 

"What the hell is going on?" I yell looking back and forth from Ramona and Julio.

"Baby, I can explain." She say slipping on her skirt. 

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I ask looking at Julio. He looks up at me and gives me a smirk, pissing me off even more 

"ANSWER ME!" I demand from him. 

"I don't have to answer shit C. You don't own me." He says getting up from her bed. "I wanted to fuck her, So I did, and she did too! WILLINGLY!" he laughs

This motherfucker is laughing at me in my face, and it pisses me off even more. My best friend just had sex with my fiancé, and she let him do it. He slips on his clothes and shoes and gives me a pat on my shoulder before walking out of her room. No way he's getting away with this. 

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