100 - Future

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Ok... I know this is late; it's probably the latest I've ever posted an update... but we've hit the hundredth chapter... and guess who got into college?


*June 2041*
Well, there were five now. Little Redonovich was born kicking and screaming at the top of their lungs.

Ashlyn was in labor for three days, yet her water didn't break until hours into day two. Nobody heard from the new parents until about a week after the birth. Extended family members flew in first to get a glimpse at the new Red member.

When it was finally time for friends to visit, Carlos jokingly placed a bet on what the baby's name would be. (It's still hard to tell if he was serious or not.)

All the theater kids and their kids came together at the Redonovichs' to meet the new baby a few weeks after the birth. EJ, Gina, and Aidan were the first to meet the baby since EJ didn't want to waste any time. When Big Red let him hold the baby, EJ blurted, "Oh my god, Gina, I want one."

"We already have one," she laughed, nodding at Aidan and holding his hand. She bent down to his height and whispered, "Ok, Aidan, if you want to hold the baby, you have to be very careful."

The boy nodded as EJ sat on the couch with the baby, letting Aidan get a peek. "What's the name?" Gina asked.

"Oh, we'll tell you when everyone else gets here," Ashlyn answered.

EJ nodded at Aidan, and the boy carefully took the baby from his father. "This is your new cousin," EJ said. "The nameless child."

Big Red slapped his shoulder and said, "No, just to you."

Everyone else slowly began to come to the house. Each person took turns holding the new bundle of joy. "So... what's the name?" Nini asked.

Ashlyn took their baby back after Seb finally got a chance to hold them. "Well... after some long months of thinking, we've decided on... Violet Hazel."

"It's a girl!?" Carlos shrieked.

"You named her after a color?" Kourtney deadpanned.

They all laughed, and Ricky said, "Welcome to the world, little Violet Hazel Redonovich."

"Violet Hazel Red... That's how someone would describe a sunset," Kourtney added.

Ashlyn just laughed and said, "Hey, the rules were no Little Red.

"Very well," Kourtney said, defeated. "I guess a loophole's a loophole."

Everyone stayed in the living room, watching the parents melt over their baby. It was heartwarming to see them so happy and excited to finally have a child of their own. Ashlyn handed Violet off to Big Red, saying she needed to go to the kitchen and check on the food she was making.

Big Red took his daughter back, gently touching the small bit of red hair on top of her head. Ricky went over and sat next to him on the couch. "So... how does it feel?"

"Crazy," The redhead said breathlessly. "I don't know what to do with myself."

"You're gonna be a great dad. I know it."

"Do you want to hold her again?"

"Sure." Ricky opened his hands, and Big Red carefully placed his daughter in his best friend's arms. "I can already see the resemblance," Ricky commented.

"Her hair is gonna be as bright as the sun." The two men chuckled and went back to admiring the child.

Across the room, Nini and Gina were talking, predicting the behavior of the little girl and reminiscing on their own children's best moments. "How do you think she's gonna be at the terrible twos stage?" Gina wondered.

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