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Lin Hien's P.O.V

*Kaboom!* A lot of explosions occured as I enter the gates of ShouUa.

The clanking of my Chains is the only thing I could here upon entering their place, as if there's something about to happen.

"You cannot kill me with these amount of Cultivators!" I raise my voice so that ShouLe would hear me.

"Lin Hien, ikaw ba yan?" A very familiar voice came out from the double door meeting room-

"Shou Shien?!" I whispered as my childhood friend walk out wearing their traditional clan leader garments...

I've never seen him for years, the Shou became distant ever since they confronted the Zens with the Jins and performed such disgraceful stunt to the Zens like that!

"You're the new ShouLe? Where is Shou Wen?"

"I- I don't know, they suddenly vanished a year ago-" He answered while comanding ShouMes to stand down.

"A year ago? And you haven't told us yet?" I gasped while recalling my Chains.

What happened to him? Is he the one responsible for attacking the Zens?

"Are you the one responsible for attacking the TriZen at Wild Area?" I stand my guard while staring at him.

"T- TriZen? When did they enter here-" ShouLe

"Not here in CaShou, in Wild Area-" He cut me off.

"But that's the point, we're here at Wild Area right now!" Shou Shien

"That's not possible, we entered CaShou a moment ago with our boats-" He cut me off once again.

"But I'm telling you, ShouUa is in Wild Area which where we are right now!" He insisted.

"What? Since when?"

"Ever since I revolt to my family and overthrow my parents and the crowned Shou, my brother- and that's like a decade ago!" He revealed which made me even more confused.

"Why we never knew that? And why you never contacted me ever since?"

"You didn't know?- I guess how would you find it out when we shut off every connections we have outside Wild Area-" He looked away.

"Wait what? You secluded your Clan inside Wild Area and broke every connections with us?... But who are those Shou representatives we meet every month?!" I bursted, not knowing how to process this!

"What? I never sent any ShouMe, or even Elders to negotiate and socialize outside? I told you, we shut off every connections we had outside Wild Area after I overthrow my family, after what they did to my only best friend- I let my clan secluded for years just to redeem themselves, Lin Hien please stop your cultivators from attacking our place, I'll settle this misunderstanding, I'll come with you to see the Zens!" Shou Shien

"Attacking? My cultivators aren't destroying your home, they are just protecting themselves from the cultivators you sent to greet us?!" I answered in disbelief.

"Wait what? I never sent any people out, this is the only remaining Shous alive after the revolt?!" He bursted that made me even more confused!

"Then who are those people outside?!" I answered before sprinting out to see my people attacking each other!

"What's going on Lin Hien, please tell them to stop or they'll kill each other!" He screamed while knocking out the nearest LinMe fighting each other.

"LinMe, stop it!" I shouted but they seemed to not hear me.

The Soul CultivatorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon