Chapter 2

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Present Day (6 Months later)

It's been the hardest 6 months of Stiles life. She has found it so hard, trying to stay away from Derek as much as she can. It was easy before, when she didn't know how he felt, or the fact that she didn't know they were mates. Actual mates. She still couldn't believe it.

The whole pack had worked it out, due to their strange behaviors. Well it was Lydia who had worked it out, and told everyone else.

Scott couldn't believe it. He knew Stiles had a crush on Derek, but he wasn't keen on the idea. It's not that he dislikes Derek, because he doesn't, and he is his alpha, but he wanted her to find someone normal, and maybe someone her own age. But when Stiles explained to  him what mates meant, he understood.

Right now, Stiles and the pack (minus Derek) are stuck in the desert, on there way to Mexico. Derek had been kidnapped. It had been weeks, and they found nothing. It was like he just disappeared off the face of the earth. The pack couldn't trace his scent at all. Peter got word that it was Kate that took him.  He heard she was in Mexico and that she was now a were-jaguar.

"God, why is it always Derek. I thought I was the one that was a magnet for trouble." Stiles groaned.

"You both find trouble where ever you go. Or trouble finds you. It's how it is. Probably why you were both destined to be mates." Scott joked.

"I hate that you both always get hurt." Isaac whimpered.

"I know you do. He will be okay pup." Stiles sobbed, hugging Isaac.

"Do you believe that?." Isaac asked.

"I have to." Stiles replied.

The pack made it to Mexico and to an old temple. They started walking through the tunnels.

"God, it smells in here." Boyd gagged.

"And my shoes are filthy." Lydia commented.

"Only you would wear heels to the desert Lyds." Stiles laughed.

"Watch out" Allison shouted.

There was a giant monster, It looked like a giant human, but covered in animal skin and bones.

"It's a berserker." Stiles told them.

"How do you even know that?." Erica asked.

"It's in the Bestiary. Am I the only one who has read it."

Everyone nodded.

They couldn't wait around, because the berserker attacked, hitting Stiles first, throwing her across the room. Isaac ran to her to check on her.

"I'm okay pup, go help the others."

Stiles saw the others struggling, the berserker was too strong. However Peter managed to get the upper hand and killed it. Turns out you need to break the skull to kill them.

Stiles was getting a little dizzy, and was struggling to stay up right. She had banged her head pretty hard. Peter told Lydia to take her back to the car. He would look for Derek with the others.

"No, let me come." Stiles Pleaded.

"No Stiles. I promised your father, that I would get you home un-harmed. I've already failed. Go with Lydia. We've got this." Peter said.

"Okay, bring him back Peter. Please."

Peter nodded, and led the others through more tunnels.

Lydia tried getting Stiles to lay down, but she wouldn't. She needed to stay awake, to see Derek for herself, before she could close her eyes.

First she saw Erica and Boyd. "We found him." Boyd explained, but the tone in his voice made Stiles nervous, Stiles saw Peter carrying someone, before placing that person on the ground. He was too small to be Derek, so she didn't rush over.

"Stiles, please don't freak out." Scott said before he moved out of the way.

On the ground laid an unconscious Derek, but it also wasn't Derek.  Stiles remembered seeing the photos of Derek from School.

"Seriously. What the fuck?." Stiles screamed

Peter came up to Stiles, and pulled her into a hug. "It's still Derek. Just a 16 year old Derek."

"How is this possible. And why would Kate do this? How does this benefit her?."

"This was the age that Derek trusted her. Maybe she needs him for something." Peter shrugged.

Peter lifted Derek into his car. Stiles sat in the back seat with him. They drove all the way, over 3 days, stopping in between. Derek never woke up.

Once they got back, Peter drove to the loft, thinking it might be familiar when Derek wakes up. Stiles wouldn't leave his side. Peter promised the sheriff, that he would stay and keep an eye on her and promised he would get her to school the next day.

The next day, Peter had to force Stiles to leave. He rung Lydia to come and drag her away.

Stiles sat though her classes, bored and just wanting to see Derek. As soon as the bell rang, she jumped up and ran out of the door to her jeep.

When she arrived at the loft, she felt like something was wrong. so she ran up the stairs, two steps at a time,  sliding open the doors to see Peter stood in the middle of the loft, looking panicked.

"Where is he?." Stiles asked, voice shaking.

"Chris came by, and Derek woke up. He panicked. Threw Chris against the wall. I don't think he remembers Chris, or the pack. He only seemed to recognize me because of my scent."

"OMG Peter, where is he. If he doesn't remember his life in this time, everything will be so confusing for him. He wont know that his family is dead. Do you think he would go to the old Hale house?."

"Shit. He might yeah. But he will freak out, if he sees it." Peter said worried.

"Where is Chris now?." Stiles asked.

"He went out looking for him."

When Stiles and Peter arrived at the old Hale house, he wasn't there. Stiles tried to think of other places he might go, when her phone rang."

Stiles: Hey daddio, this really isn't a good time

Noah: are you missing someone?

Stiles: yeah, Derek woke up and we can't find him, why. Have you found him?

Noah: I didn't find him, he came to our house, started babbling on about, not knowing what was going on, but he caught a scent, and it brought him here.

Stiles: Peter said he doesn't remember anything, or the pack

Noah: well he is currently sat on the sofa sniffing one of your shirts. I guess even at this age, he knows you are his mate.

Stiles: we will be there soon. Don't let him leave.

Noah: I don't think that will be a problem. He seems quite content now, surrounded by your scent. I swear, werewolves are so weird.

Stiles laughed.

Stiles: your telling me. See ya soon dad.

Stiles hung up.

"Peter, do you think in someways, he remembers"

"Yes and no. I don't think he remembers as such, but the scents are familiar to him. And because you are his mate, your scent is the strongest."

"I guess."

They had arrived at the Stilinski house, and Stiles bolted out of the jeep and into the house.

Derek was sitting on the sofa, with not one, but two pieces of Stiles clothes. Well one of the tops actually belonged to Derek, but Stiles had stolen it, and sleeps in it.

"Derek? Are you okay?."

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