Chapter 27

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6 1/2 Years later

A lot had happened over the last 7 years. Stiles and Derek had Eli. He was now 7 years old. He was now able to shift into his beta shift. Derek was teaching him how to control it.

Stiles became a stay at home mum, whilst writing her new book. It was a fantasy about the supernatural, which she based slightly on her own life.

Stiles decided not to use her own name, so she went with an Alias. Stella Moon.

Her first book had been published and was the number one best seller, with editors requesting another book in the series.

Stiles loved writing, and she was able to stay at home with Eli, until he started school.

Derek started to train to be a police officer, and is now working with Stiles dad at the sheriffs station as one of his deputy's. He doesn't need to work, but he helped Noah with some cases, and decided that he actually loved it.

Currently, Stiles is in the hospital, having given birth naturally to a baby girl. They had decided to wait a while before having anymore kids, one, because Stiles was so young when they had Eli, and also Stiles wanted to get her first book done and published before they tried for more.

"She is so beautiful." Stiles gushed.

"Just like her mum." Derek said smiling.

Stiles blushed, like she does every time Derek compliments her.

"What do you want to name her?." Derek asked.

Stiles bit her lip. "I was thinking Talia, and we could call her Tal for short."


"Of course, I want her to have your mum's name, and I like it, so that helps." Stiles said.

"But what about Claudia?."

"We can name the next one Claudia." Stiles said.

"We might have a boy."

"Well we can call him Claude then." Stiles laughed.

"Oh god, the poor kid." Derek laughed.

Stiles looked at her daughter. "Talia Laura Hale."

Derek burst into tears, and pulled them both into his arms.

"Thank you."

A little while later, Stiles asked how Allison was. She had also gone into labour, with hers and Scott's first child. They had also waited, as Scott was in Vet school for 7 years, having only just qualified. He was now running Deaton's practice.

"They have a baby boy." Derek said.

Stiles smiled. "Do you hear that Talia, that's your future husband."

"She's never having a boyfriend, let alone a husband." Derek growled.

"Look, your daddy's already being protective of you. He's probably going to lock you in your room until your in your 30's."

"Maybe longer." Derek said.

Stiles laughed.

Both Stiles and Allison were doing fine, and both babies were healthy. They were able to leave the hospital.

Scott and Allison called their son Thomas McCall. (Tommy)

The pack had thrown them a welcome home party at the house. Isaac picked up Eli from school, and they helped their grandpa's put up the banners and the balloons. Both pink and blue.

Eli had been so excited for his baby brother or sister to arrive. He had been asking Stiles and Derek constantly if they were going to have another one. He promised he was going to be the best big brother ever, just like Isaac is with him.

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