Chapter 18

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Stiles is now 8 months pregnant.  She is hornier than ever. Poor Derek cant sleep, because he is woken up in the middle of the night for sex. If not sex, Stiles wants food. But Derek is loving it. He loves looking after his mate. His wolfy instincts just want to shower her with love and affection and provide his mate with anything she wants, and lots of sex is just a huge bonus.

It also helped him to distract her. She was still having dreams about Ms Blake, and it was getting her down.

Derek made sure Stiles was never alone. They hadn't seen any sign of Ms Blake since the incident in the school toilets, But Derek had scented her near by. He knew she was the one messing with Stiles mind, causing her to have the dreams, trying to make Stiles believe what she was dreaming about. Luckily she didn't. The mate bond between them was too strong to break them.

Stiles really wanted marshmallows and some nutella. She was craving them, and she had none left. She was begging Derek to go and get some for her.

Derek rang Isaac, and asked him to come and watch Stiles whilst he was out. Isaac was happy to help. He had grown closer to Stiles the last few months. She always called him pup, and showed him a lot of affection, knowing what he went through with his father.

They had been watching a movie. Isaac had gone to the toilet when Stiles heard a bang from upstairs.

"Isaac?." Stiles shouted.

No answer

"Isaac?." she shouted again, but with a more concerned tone.

Still no answer.

Stiles started to make her way up the stairs, or should I say, waddled up the stairs  since Stiles was finding it harder to walk these days.

When Stiles made it upstairs, she noticed a leg on the ground, sticking out of the door. She immediately  moved as quick as she could. Isaac was laying on the ground unconscious.

"OMG Isaac, wake up pup, please wake up. Isaac?" Stiles sobbed.

"He's not dead." A voice came

Stiles looked up to see Ms Blake. How the hell had she got into her house, let alone upstairs without either of them noticing.

"What do you want from me?" Stiles screamed.

"I told you. I want Derek. I want him to be mine, and I can't have him while you are still here. Still tied to him."

"He doesn't want you, why cant you understand that."

"Maybe not yet. But once you are dead the mate bond will snap. Then I will be able to work my way into his heart."

"It will never work."

"Oh but it will. The mate bond is the only thing that is stopping me now."

Stiles had started to slowly retreat backwards towards the steps. She knew she wouldn't be able to outrun her. Especially not at 8 months pregnant. She made sure that she had all of her emotions running through the mate bond, hoping that Derek will be back soon.

"He can't save you." Ms Blake chuckled. "He will be so upset to find you dead, but I will be there to help him through it. It might take time, but with a little magic, he will be mine. I will be more powerful, and we will run this pack together."

"You are completely delusional." Stiles was now at the top of the stairs.

Ms Blake was now right in front of her. She leaned into Stiles and whispered. "I was going to wait until the baby was born, but then I thought, I wouldn't have Derek's full attention, what with a new born to look after, and I didn't fancy bringing up your brat, so you both have to go."

Stiles eyes were wide, when she felt Ms Blake's hand on her chest and she was falling backwards, tumbling down the stairs.

Stiles hit the bottom of the stairs, after what felt like an eternity. She tried to protect her baby as best she could as she was falling.

Stiles was dazed, with a concussion, and she could feel blood trickling down her face and neck, and immense pain in her stomach, and wetness between her legs. She thought her waters had broke, but when she felt it, her hand was covered in blood. She really started to panic then, when she saw Ms Blake coming down the stairs.

"Shame, I was hoping that the fall may have broken your neck. No worries." Ms Blake pulled out a knife, ready to stab Stiles, and finish her off, when there was an all mighty growl. Derek came in, and seeing Stiles on the floor, covered in blood, he lost it. He launched at Ms Blake. She didn't get chance to use her magic and stop him, her head was being ripped off her shoulders, falling onto the floor with a thud.

Derek Scooped Stiles up into his arms, and moved her away from the headless body that was once Ms Blake.

Derek cradled Stiles in his arms, pulling out his phone. His first thought was to call Deaton as he was meant to be coming over to check on Stiles and the baby later.

"Isa..." Stiles tried to say.

Through all this, Derek forgot about Isaac. Where was he, How did this happen?.


Derek listened and could hear his heartbeat. He was alive, and it sounded like he was coming back to consciousness.

Deaton arrived with Melissa Noah having collecting them both in his way.

Once Isaac came downstairs, and saw Ms Blake's dead body, he went to the living room, and nearly collapsed seeing Stiles.

"I'm so sorry Derek." Isaac sobbed. "I went to the toilet, i was only going to be gone 2 minutes, I didn't even hear her or see her. She knocked me out somehow."

"Its.......not.....your.....fault....." Stiles winced. She was in so much pain

Isaac didn't know what to do.

Stiles was half laying, half sitting on the couch, clutching desperate at her belly. The odour of blood, fear and pain was everywhere. Just like Derek and probably everyone in the room, Isaac was scared that something happened to the baby. He could hear his heartbeat, thankfully. Though it was too quick and unsteady.

Derek started to drain her pain. But there was too much, he had to let go after only half a minute and then Stiles started crying even harder. Isaac also helped drain the pain.

More blood soaked her pants

"We have to do something." Derek said frantically.

"Noah, find some towels. Warm a few of them. Melissa, bring water and sterilized scissors and a sharp knife. Isaac, bring blankets,  Pillows too." Deaton ordered

All of them rushed do all of this.

"What's going on? Why aren't we calling ambulance or just going to hospital?." Derek asked. He had been in too much shock before and instead of calling for an ambulance he had called Deaton.

"Stiles won't make it that far."

The others returned to the living room with all of the stuff. They laid the blankets and pillows on the ground. Derek and Isaac were taking turns in sucking Stiles pain away. She was conscious but obviously she had no idea what was really happening.

"Derek, Isaac, lay her on the floor. Take off her pants and shirt,"

They did just that. Isaac whined lowly when he helped Derek with taking of Stiles wet bloody pants and underwear. He was so scared.

"Okay, Isaac and Derek, you have to take away as much of her pain as you can, got it? I will try to be as fast as I can, but it will still hurt like hell."

Derek frantically nodded and took one of Stiles hands. He pressed his lips to her forehead and closed his eyes.

"It's going to be okay, baby, I promise," he whispered to Stiles as Isaac took her other hand and Deaton pressed down the knife.

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