Chapter 26

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Stiles fell asleep with her arms around Derek in wolf form. Eli squashed between them. His little hands holding onto Derek's fur.

When Stiles woke up, she could feel warm skin against her. She opened her eyes, and Derek had turned back human, and was staring at her.

"Hey." Derek whispered.

Stiles almost cried. She couldn't believe Derek was here.

"You died."

"I'm sorry."

"Promise me, promise me you wont do that again. I can't live without you Der."

"I can't promise that I won't risk my life to save yours or Eli's, just like I know you won't promise to stay away when I ask you to."

"It was my fault. You died because or me, because I wouldn't listen, and stay away like you wanted me to. But I can't stay away when I know you're in danger, I just can't. We save each other, that's what we do, but I couldn't save you this time."

"It wasn't your fault Stiles.  She would have killed me whether you were there or not, and you did save me. I'm still here because of you."

Stiles didn't look convinced . "How did you evolve?."

"Honestly it sounds crazy. I remember my wolf chanting, must save mate, must save mate, then everything went black. I woke up in the woods. I was all alone. I was looking for you, but you weren't there. No one was there. Then I heard someone coming, and when I looked, it was my mum."

"You saw your mum?."

Derek nodded. "I don't know if it was real, or a dream, but she was there. I asked her if I was dead, and she said kind of. I mean what kind of an answer is that, I'm either dead or I'm not. She said I had a choice. I either go with her, and be with the rest of the family or I find it in my strength to come back to you."

"You came back."

"Of course I did. I would have loved to see my dad again and Laura but you are my family now Stiles. You, Eli and Isaac. There was no way I could leave you if there was a chance for me to come back to you. But I didn't know how? My mum told me to look deep inside and connect with my wolf. Next thing I remember is waking up with four paws, and a tail." Derek said.

"Well I have to say I was shocked to see a wolf in our bedroom, but Eli knew it was you immediately, he kept saying dada. I couldn't believe he said dada before mama." Stiles sulked.

Derek chuckled, and kissed Eli on the head, before leaning over and kissing Stiles. "He would have been able to smell that it was me."

"Did your mum say anything else?." Stiles asked.

"She told me she was proud of me, and happy that I found you. She likes you. Said you are good for me, and that I better treat you right."

"I wish I could have met her. Dad said I did once years ago, she came over to the house to see my mum, but I was too young to remember."

"She would have loved you, especially Laura. You two would have ganged up on me." Derek chuckled causing Stiles to laugh.

"I wish they were here to meet Eli. My mum always talked about having grandchildren. She loved kids. Probably why she had so many herself." Derek said.

"I remember my mum reading me a story. It was about a princess who met her prince charming, and they had the most beautiful children. My mum always said that she thought of me when she read it. Said she hoped that I would find my Prince Charming and live happily ever after." Stiles said.

"Did you?." Derek asked. "Find your Prince Charming."

Stiles smiled. "I did. He's around here somewhere. I should go look for him."

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