2. Albert ross

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I was still in daze...those eyes I was seeing them everywhere. I got up and started getting ready for college. And left early. It's been a routine to go a pick shine then together we go to college. It takes 20 min from my house to her place and there comes a park between our homes. So I just walked in and sat under a tree. I opened journal ....My Dream journal. I been keeping this I don't know...like when i was 6 or 7. What I find interesting is that my dreams are not just Dreams...they are the puzzles that gets real. I opened my first entry...that was written with a child's hand

Dear Diary...
I didn't wanted to write ...but have to because something happened. Don't know how to explain. See I was sleeping last night and I had a dream where i saw a black shadow with white pupils no iris..the shadow was coming forward to grab my throat.. it was spooky. So i screamed and woke up. Mummy did too and I told her. She said it was a nightmare.. when I was about to lie down...I saw footprints exactly where the shadow last stood.
That was my first encounter with Dreams manifesting into reality. After that it became a continuous process. And my journal full of entries. I have always asked this question... everybody dreams...then why is it that my dreams are getting real. Shine is also in this category. We have these uncommon scenarios that binds us together. But still the question remains..

Why US?

What's the meaning behind this? And most important

Who should we seek help from? Is there anyone who has answers to all this?

I put the entry in journal and started writing...
13 aka 14 sep ..2017

Dear Diary..
I had this craziest dream ...but wait in the middle of the day..in canteen. Can you believe it??. It's been a bloody year ..I don't even remember what it's like to have a 6 hours sleep. And out of all the places I have to shut my eyes in the canteen.
Anyway..as you know  last year I  had a dream which was not complete ..right? So this dream got completed yesterday. Everytime i would turn back in my dream and  i was pulled back. But this time i saw ...what was there
It was EYE's ...a man's eyes.
He was in black...kind of Men in Black..but i have never seen eyes like his. Black and shiny. Soul piercing eyes. It was like...as if he heard all the things that i never said out aloud. The one that i never shared with anyone. The gaze was so full of love. I can just imagine the love he has in him. The love that i was always jealous of ...the one that i craved. It's silly to be a jealous from a man whom i don't know...but he exists...right???
I want to meet him Diary...and ask ...Are you okay? He's alone... he's scared ...yet so strong that he holding every thing in his eyes..and i bet To read them ...no one is capable of that. Yes!! My dreams get true...and i know he exists but ...i hope that we meet on time...whenever is it. Now i'm going...see ya!
With an exclamation. I put the diary back head towards  shine's. We took off and we both were silent...not that we always talk..but it was the silence that come before you are debating whether you want to share something or not...
"I have to tell you somethi...." We said in unison. We looked at eachother.

"Go on"
"Actually i also had this same dream you know".
"What..??? ..when?"
"Just few months ago"
"Did you found out?"
"Of course..not..but i was like your dream ...is it even real ..i mean it could be just a subconscious mind creating a scenario or something right.. it's not like a fictious character will jump out from the book." Shine said.
"I know...but we can't ignore this fact that our dreams get true and he exists i know..and we'll meet..for sure." I looked up at the sky..why?? Maybe because i thought he was listening...but was he??

We were suspended for a week. So the girls were scattered some were with seniors and the other were in canteen. So we looked at each other and with a knowing smile jumped into our magic castle. Library...the bestest part of the college.. because it was in the basement.. giving us the vibe of Harry Potter's library. I knew i was going to find the answers in books. Because books got solution for everything. I picked up the book Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. A pyscoanalysist. First i need to know how this blood brain works and then these dreams. So yes!! This books says that which i understood was "dreams are a byproduct of the dreamer physical and mental State during sleep... distinguish between manifest and latent dream"
By reading this i got to know that i could Lucid dream as well. Which i knew and i been practicing to do more of it.. since sometimes i get these paranormal kind dreams and i have to pull myself back from that. And Lucid dreaming helped me many times. Shine was reading some birds encyclopaedia...and her head was down on the books but my eyes caught something. It was a picture of a bird flying high with his wide spread wings. The name was... Albert Ross.

-the albatross is one of the largest seabirds on Earth. Albatrosses are known for their excellent flying skills, as well as for the difficulty they have with take-off and landing. They can glide for miles on end without having to flap their wings a single time.

-The Maori people of New Zealand revered them as lonely wanderers, and wore their feathers out of respect. Hawaiian mythology said they could intervene and save people in their hour of need. They are like drones... intelligent onces.
And instantly my mind went to the eyes. Why do these characters seems to fit those eyes. I was in deep thoughts and shine snapped me back to reality.

"Let's go..i'm starving". She closed the book and went back to put it back to its place. I followed her and i had a satisfying smile on my face because...what if I don't know your face...but i know what to call you.. "Ross... Albert Ross ".
"Looks like you found your answer"..she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Of course!!. I said with a smile ... let's have some noodles".

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