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After having muesli i cleaned the bowl and went back to my room. Leo finished the milk and bread crumbs as well not just that but she did brought a dead mouse as well.
"You can't keep doing that Leo". I pointed towards the mouse but she ignored me completely. Fascinating creatures Cats are... they only come when they wants to. With a soft purr Leo jumped out of the window and i picked the dead mouse and dug him deep in the backyard. I decided to do some cycling. After changing into some comfy clothes with my bicycle i hit the road. It was 10 am the sun was bearable. Picking up the pace i just wondered around the town. It's a lazy day sun-day people looked less worried, kids happily swinging their hands and jumping in the parks. Some out with their pets to play. Some shops were getting opened. How easy it is? That we are less worried on a day which we enjoy because we have no one to report to. Or to get scolded only if we could enjoy ourselves every day like sunday.
Before i realised i just stopped the cycle in front of Shine's house. With a yawing she opened the door her house looked like her clean, organized and creative dream catchers, lights, doodling and some sketches on the walls. Her parents lived out of the country she lives alone and visit them during summer and winter breaks.

"What are you doing today?" I took the seat on the couch and flipped some magazines that was full of cut outs.

"Nothing...i was sleeping. What do you want? It's early morning."

"I was out on ride thought we could roam streets together but I think i have my fare share of roaming for today." I picked up the next magazine when her cell's screen blinked and a message popped up.
Can we meet?
Please! Let me know. I will wait for your reply.

"Who are you meeting ?? Do I know this person?" I asked her while handing her the phone. She took it immediately and replied back. Something is going on for sure.

"Just a guy from college. I met him we are on same group. The topic for conference...all are dumb only this guy is helping with the material and he's paying everytime for the food. I just don't get it.. do boys really don't know the difference between real friends or reel. They are sucking his wallet and i refused to accept the food and he is now reaching out." She took the seat and started flipping shows to watch.

"That's interesting. Meet him and clear everything. Atleast my group has some people who work sincerely. With that i checked my phone to see if there was any message in the group. There wasn't.

"Are you going back to see Dr. Singh?"

"I don't know. I don't like him and no need for doctor. I'm good." I just whispered the last part. I was little embarassed the way i behaved at his clinic but it wasn't my fault really. He was supposed to understand me but he just ...'made you realise that you could be getting mad over a shadow. Just stop that we have found him. He is in front of us all we have to do is to check how much of all this is true. We found the puzzle's most important piece. Now focus on that'
My inner goddess didn't like the idea of doctor at all and deep down i also agree with her. And these days i have noticed that i am missing the timeline. I have to figure that out as well. We had  lunch together and i left her house after 3 am and reached home all sweaty after gulping water, i lied down on my bed and the question was that i always skip time during night but how do i do that?? Because the dreams i see they are real without a doubt but i
always wake up in my bed then how am i doing it??

Is there a way that....??


Am i doing Astral Projection?? Is it even possible?? Yes!! I do meditate and it had really helped me but i am not on that level where i could just leave my body.
"I have to start looking for this. There has to be some answer for it. Should i ask someone?"

"What do you want to ask me?? Yah! I don't have money on me now." Naina relied while checking my wardrobe to wear something.

"I wasn't asking you and make sure to set them just like i did.. otherwise i will spoil your date that you are looking forward to." With that said she scwoled at me but i ignored her and opened my laptop to do some search. While browsing i found an website 'Astral path' which was coverd with the images of mountains and temples. At the end of the site there was a email address. Quickly i composed an email with the question about yoga and Astral Projection and hit the send.
Now all i have to do is wait for their answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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