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We entered the Auditorium and found it deserted ...there was a dead silence and a stink we were forced to cover our nose. The door behind us shut with a force and the goosebumps were back. The temperature dropped suddenly.

There was a sound..someone was breathing near us. And before i could turn i felt something cold slashing my back and i looked down there was a trail of red going down my pants and drops fell on my sneaker. And i heard a scream...i fell down and someone was banging the door.. hard

"Get up! Get up!  I opened my eyes and i was in a room. The door opened. She took dirty clothes and went out while scowlding me. But how come i was here??
And i could feel the pain in my stomach. My hand went to the place where it was slashed.

"What the fuck happened!!!!
The copy of my novel Forget me not was lying there. That means i was dreaming???
But how can someone have a dream this long? Not that i can sleep for 6 hours or something. What the hell is happening.
It's the first day of the JC college. That means...it will ...all...no way..."it doesn't make sense"...i said it loud.

"What doesn't make sense? And how long are you going to be in bed? It's your first day in college...right? Or are you skipping it. My mother asked while scanning the room to decide from where she has to start cleaning.

"I'm up". With that i quickly took the shower and the first thing i did was to record the whole dream in my journal. But the question was. Who is this teacher??? Because i haven't got any teacher that looks like her. And that boy he was the one that was injured in parking lot. Okay! So it could be that i saw him and he came into my dream. It's possible and logical. Yes... this is it. I had my breakfast and with that me and shine took the bus to college. It's crowded in the morning. But the chaos was good. It gave me time to think about the dream.
I was anxious to see how the things will happen...and the moment we entered the college that same feeling hit.

It's in my mind ... it's in my mind...i was repeating this in my head. The entered the department and someone collided with me.
'I'm so sorry ...i didn't see...and that two pair of eyes were looking back at me. That has been haunting my dreams. Right here.


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