Chapter 2

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After pulling into her driveway, I get out of the car and make my way to her front door. I ring the doorbell and a minute later she's opening the door.     

"I just want you to know that you owe me big time for this. I could have been a season deep into my Netflix binge by now," Lexi says, while hopping on one leg and trying to get her heel on the other.           

"Oh, come on Lexi, we'll have fun. Stop being so dramatic," I reply.    

"I'm the dramatic one?" She scoffs. "I'm not the one looking to fuck a random stranger."              

"Hey! You're my best friend and it's in your job description to help and support me."               

"Don't get it twisted. I am not supporting this dumb idea of yours. I'm only going with you to make sure you don't get kidnapped."        

"Same difference." At this she gives me a slight glare but nevertheless, proceeds to follow me to my car.            

I start the car and back out while Lexi puts on some music. We chat pretty much the whole way to downtown Toronto where we find decent parking for once. If this isn't a good omen, I don't know what is. Finding parking in Toronto is a bitch, to say the least. 

After parking, we get out of the car and start strolling down King Street which is known for being the party district. After strolling for a few minutes, we find this good-looking club with a decent line outside that's not overly long and decide that that is where we'll end up for the night.           

Once inside, the club is dark and the music is so loud I can actually feel the vibrations going through my body. It's packed in here which is expected for a Friday night, so we cling to each other for dear life until we get to the bar. Everyone is packed in here like sweaty sardines and I'm instantly reminded why this isn't my scene. I'm not a big partier and I have slight claustrophobic tendencies which makes this place less than ideal for me.             

We finally get to the bar and sit at the stools while waiting to order our drinks. I look over at Lexi, and let's just say she looks as uncomfortable as me, if not more. We definitely do not belong here, and this definitely isn't our scene. But for tonight, we'll have to live up to the saying, "fake it till you make it," and at the very least pretend to be enjoying ourselves.             

"Okay, have you spotted anyone yet? I want to leave," Lexi says after a while.   

"What do you mean you want to leave? We just got here."

"Yes, and I want to leave, so just fucking pick someone."

"Well, what do you want me to do? Just walk up to someone and ask if they want to fuck?" I ask sarcastically.      

"Um yeah, that's literally why we're here remember?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure as hell not going up to some random guy."       

"So, what, you're just going to wait for them to come to you?"      

"That's the plan."            

She scoffs at that. "Oh, for fucks sake, we're never leaving."

Okay here's the thing. I'm shy. I don't love meeting new people and social interactions in general. I mean I'm not socially awkward. I can hold an actual conversation but just going up to some guy and starting the interaction? Absolutely not. Which is exactly why we will sit here until an opportunity presents itself.     

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