Chapter 14

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We arrive at the party fairly quickly. It's in a modern house on the same street as the football house. Walking in, I feel the hot sticky atmosphere clinging on to me for dear life. If I thought the first party was crowded, this one doesn't even compare. There are so many people here and I have no idea how they all fit. It should be physically impossible. Leave it to drunk college students at a party to defy the laws of physics.     

Blake must sense my unease because he reaches for my hand and grabs it, giving it a squeeze. "Let's go get a drink," he says, to which I just nod and he drags me through the crowd of people. He doesn't have to try too hard because everyone parts for him like the Red Sea and miraculously find non-existent space to do it.     

Mia and Sam follow us to the kitchen and when we get there, I see Matt and Josh already doing a line of shots. When josh sees me, he maneuvers towards me and exclaims, "Sabrina! You made it," while picking me up in a bear hug and spinning me around. I can smell the alcohol on his breath and I can tell he's already buzzed.

"Okay, put her down," Blake tells Josh over the music.       

He does as he is told and takes a step back, looking me up and down. "Holy shit, you look hot," Josh states.            

Before I can respond, Blake pushes him away and instructs him to get us a round of shots. He gets to it and minutes later, we are all taking our first shot together.   

Two shots in, Mia is dragging me towards the beer pong table and insists that we have to play. It's Mia and I, against Josh and Matt. I give her a fair warning that I'm a terrible shot and yet she still insists on playing. 

True to my prediction, we lose. Badly.

I am a few shots and a ton of beer in now, making me officially drunk. And that's exactly why I turn towards Mia and ask her to dance with me. We make our way to the dance floor, and I notice Blake in the corner of the room shoving his tongue down some brunette's throat. That's not even what captures my attention, though.

Not even two meters away, that same blonde from earlier today is staring daggers at them and I kind of feel bad for her. She had to have known better than to fall for someone like Blake. Don't get me wrong, deep down Blake is a nice guy but he's definitely not the relationship type. I'm sure she knew this when she decided to be his booty call, but thought she would be the one to change him. That's where girls go wrong. They believe that they will be the one to turn the bad boy good and then get hurt when they realize it won't happen. It's nothing more than wishful thinking.     

I shake off my train of thought as we get onto the makeshift dance floor and start dancing to the music. We're dancing, moving our hips to the beat and laughing like crazy, having an absolute blast. I'm pretty sure it's the alcohol coursing through my veins, that's making everything seem way more fun.        

I don't know how long we have been dancing for but all of the sudden Mia has to pee, so we head towards the washrooms. We leave the makeshift dance floor and follow the long hallway that Mia is leading me through.

A door to my right opens abruptly nearly taking me out and making me stumble into Mia. I turn around in time to see Blake and that brunette from before stumbling out of the room. I'm rooted to the floor as I watch him fix his belt and take in his dishevelled appearance. Some weird feeling starts to build in my chest and it's not a pleasant one, as I watch him and the brunette recompose themselves.            

Mia loudly clears her throat which causes Blake to look in our direction and the surprise on his face says it all. He looks a little caught off guard but recomposes quickly.

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