Chapter 24

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My entire life, I was a good girl. I never got into any trouble, never went through that rebellious stage as a teenager. Not to brag, but I was literally the perfect child. Looking back at it now, I'm pretty sure it's because I never really had time for it. My whole life revolved around gymnastics and I was so concentrated on that one aspect of my life that I never really got a chance to just be a kid, make mistakes and get into trouble.              

For that very reason, tonight, I decided to rebel. Nothing crazy, I just want to go to a club with a fake ID. Which is ridiculous because back in Canada I can enter any bar or club legally without breaking the law. In California however, I still get the thrill of doing something I shouldn't be.            

The guys got me a fake ID somehow and I don't particularly care for the details. It got me in and that's all that I care about.          

Walking in, Mia and the guys go to get a table for us while Blake and I go get the drinks. I wanted the full experience and that includes, ordering the drinks while the bartender pretends not to notice that I'm underage.

When we get to the bar, Blake flags down the bartender for me and then lets me order the drinks. I know it might sound stupid and childish but for someone who has never done anything out of line in their whole nineteen years of living, this gets excitement pumping through my veins. So much so that I don't even second guess the ordering and completely dismiss my usual anxiety. I'm the type of person that usually gets other people to order for me or when no one's around, I have to practice what to say over and over again while the anxiety eats me alive. It's just introverted, shy people problems, I guess.        

Once the orders are in and the bartender gets to work, I look around and observe my surroundings. I'm so caught up in the loud piercing music and the bright flickering lights that I don't even realize Blake is speaking to someone until he wraps his arm around my shoulders and tugs me into his side.         

That's when I see a gorgeous girl with light brown hair sizing me up as if she's ready to tear me to shreds. She's significantly shorter than me at around 5'4 but the fierce look in her eyes tells me that she's more than capable of holding her own.      

I don't even realize what's happening until Blake speaks up, "Sabrina this is..." he trails off as if realizing too late that he already forgot her name. The girl's jaw twitches slightly with animosity but it's barely noticeable before she supplies, "Alyssa."   

"Right, and this is Sabrina, my girlfriend." As soon as those words come out of his mouth, the hand that was latched onto Blake's forearm disappears and she narrows her eyes at me just enough for me to catch her warning.       

I realize in that moment that I am being used as an escape goat and I refuse to comply. I shrug off Blake's hand so that it drops back to his side and then smile at the girl standing in front me. "He means girl space friend. We're just friends, isn't that right Blake?"

I glance at Blake with that smile still plastered to my face and see him clench his jaw with a slight glare in his expression but reluctantly tips his chin in agreement.   

In that moment the bartender arrives with our drinks and I grab them while saying, "it was nice meeting you Alyssa. You two have fun tonight, I'll see you later Blake."

I start retreating from the bar with the drinks in hand as I hear Blake hiss my name but I just wave to him over my shoulder.         

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