Chapter 22

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I'm dragging my suitcase and this huge ass duffel bag back to my dorm and I gotta say, I'm breaking a sweat. I don't know why I do this to myself. I'm a chronic over packer. I packed enough stuff to last me a few weeks when I only left for the weekend.   

I went back home for American Thanksgiving. While everyone was celebrating, I just went home to visit my family. In Canada, Thanksgiving is in October so I already missed thanksgiving, but it was still nice to see everyone again. I didn't realize how much I missed everyone until I saw them again.         

It's been weeks since that first game and I have attended all of the home games since. Blake keeps insisting I be there and I don't even put up a huge fight anymore because they're not that bad. He also makes me give him a good luck kiss, just like I did before his first game. It's become a tradition of sorts that he swears by.

There were only three other games that I attended since, and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes every time. I know it's complete bullshit but he never fails to remind me that if they lose, it'll be all my fault. Whatever, it's a harmless kiss on the cheek and if it makes him feel better, then so be it.            

In a short period of time, we've gotten pretty close and I would even go as far as to say he's one of my best friends now. We hangout when we can but now that his season has officially started, he's been busy.

Nevertheless, we see each other pretty much every day, unless he's travelling. Mia and I also hang out at the football house quite a bit, so I've also gotten closer to the other guys too. We've all formed this little group and it's nice.             

"Hey." Mia's voice startled me as I walk into our dorm room. I didn't know she'd be back already.         

"Oh hey, I didn't think you'd be back already."  

 "I just got in like an hour ago. I've been waiting for you because we're going for movie night at the football house."          

I make a grumbled sound of protest, "I'm tired. I don't feel like going anywhere. I'll join next time."          

I don't even know why I'm so tired since I slept pretty much the whole four hour flight over here, but I'm spent. I'm diving headfirst into my bed and not getting up until tomorrow.              

"If we don't go over there, everyone's coming here, and you know there's not enough room for everyone."

"Go without me this time."           

"I don't want to go alone. Please come with me. I'm going to get a hormonal imbalance from all the testosterone if you don't come."       

I laugh at that. "I promise you, your hormones will be just fine."     

She doesn't say anything else and just makes that sad face that works nine out of ten times in her favour. And I say nine out of ten times because this is going to be that one time where it doesn't work.           

I shake my head defiantly and continue my journey into the secluded oasis of my bedroom. I don't even bother unpacking and like promised, dive into my covers with a sigh.               

My peace is short lived however because not even two minutes go by before my phone is ringing in my back pocket. I'm lying on my stomach, so I whip my arm around and dig the phone out to see who it is. I'm not surprised when I see Blake's name flash on the screen. I mute my phone and I ignore the call, putting my phone on the nightstand next to my bed.           

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