Chapter 32

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I haven't seen Blake all week. Ever since I ran out of his room on Monday, I've had no contact with him. It's only Friday now, but it feels like an eternity has passed. We've gone this long without seeing each other before, but at the very least, I'd get an annoying text or phone call from him. These days there's nothing, absolute silence. Honestly, I'm pissed at myself for being the way I am and not being able to give him a chance, but I'm also pissed at him for ruining everything.       

There's a difference between him and I. I would rather have a piece of him in my life forever than risking not having him one day at all, because I can't imagine my life without him. I mean I couldn't, because right about now I have a pretty good idea of what it's like.

He claimed to have loved me but did he really, if it was so easy for him to cut me out? It seriously sucks to think about.         

The only good thing about today is that I'm finally done all my classes. Starting now, I officially have the whole weekend to myself—to think and obsess. Mia has been doing everything she can think of to keep my mind off of everything. She still obviously spends time at the football house to see Sam, which makes me tempted to ask about Blake. The way she avoids even remotely mentioning him though, keeps me from asking. Maybe there's nothing to tell. Maybe he's living his best life now that I'm no longer there. If that's the case, I wouldn't want to know, so I keep the questions to myself.       


I lift my head, trying to see who's calling me and I see an angry looking Matt stomping my way. I furrow my brows in confusion because I have no idea what he could possibly want from me. I haven't really spoken to any of the guys after I left that night.   

"You need to get your shit together and talk to Blake. This is fucking ridiculous. You're both miserable and being stubborn."         

I shake my head. "There's nothing to talk about. He doesn't want to see me anymore."              

He laughs but it's not filled with humour. "Are you serious, right now? We both know that's bullshit. Less than a week ago you two were inseparable and now you think he doesn't want to see you?"           

"He told me we can't go back to the way things were and I can't give him what he wants. It would have never worked anyway."         

"That's such a fucking copout. How could you possibly know it wouldn't work if you didn't even try?"

"Because relationships are bullshit and love and happy endings are just fairy tales. They don't exist in the real world, and I refuse to hate him or have him hate me when everything goes to shit."           

Matt scoffs. "Blake would do anything for you, literally anything, and you're not even willing to try for him. You're a fucking coward and it's pathetic."      

He barely gets the words out before I see him knocked down to the ground and my heart stops for a second.           

"Don't you ever fucking speak to her like that again," Blake hisses at Matt while he's standing over him.

"What the fuck man? I'm on your side," Matt tells him while cradling his now bloody nose.              

"I don't care and if I ever hear you speak that way towards her again, I'll do a lot worse."               

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