Chapter 30

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It's a new semester but the same routine. I sleep, eat, and study until either Mia or Blake force me to do something else. This would be one of those days. Blake is trying to get me to go to some frat party that I couldn't be less enthusiastic about attending. So in short, no, I will not be attending. It's the weekend and I want to enjoy it instead of dying from a hangover the next day because I can't hold my liquor for shit. I found out that fun little fact the hard way.            

Mia's also feeling a little under the weather, which gives me a good excuse to deny Blake's offer. Is it a little shitty that I'm using my friend's illness as an excuse? Yes. Do I feel slightly guilty? Also yes. Do I regret it? The answer is no.

I believe I'm taking the path of least resistance and if the universe has handed me a damn good copout, I'm sure as hell going to use it. I'm not a completely horrible person either. I actually plan to take care of Mia while I'm home. She just got a cold or something, nothing major, but I'll still be here if she needs anything.          

I'm chilling on one side of the couch in front of the tv while Mia is on the other side, covered in blankets. Sam insisted on coming over but she won't let him in, so that she doesn't accidentally get him sick. Which is why I'm on Mia duty and so far, so good. She's got a little cough and occasional headache but other than that, she's fine. I offered to make her some soup, but she insisted that sushi will make her soul feel better—whatever the fuck that means. I'm not sure sushi is a good idea when you're sick, but Mia's the type to get grumpy when she doesn't get her way.

Because of this, we ended up with a large sushi platter meant for at least five people to split between the two of us. No one would be able to tell by looking at us, but we devoured the whole thing without difficulty and ever since, we've been binge watching Netflix.         

Mia is already passed out and it's pretty late when my phone rings. I answer it as soon as I see Matt calling.


"Sabrina, can you come pick us up?"         

"Why? Where are you guys?" I would probably be starting to panic now if it wasn't for the annoyance in Matt's voice. Clearly, Blake's up to something stupid.    

"We're still at the party," he answers as if I'm stupid.       

I groan in irritation because it's almost two in the morning and I have no intention of doing that. "Can't you just call an Uber or something?"       

"I would but Blake drank a little too much and refuses to go anywhere without seeing you first."   

 "First of all, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. Second of all, even if I wanted to come and pick you guys up—which I don't— I still don't have a car."    

"Can't you borrow that Lacey girl's car?"         

"It's Macy and it's also the middle of the night. I'm sure she's fast asleep by now."

Lacey is the girl that lives across the hall from us and she's nice enough to let us borrow her car from time to time.            

"Can you please figure something out because I really don't want to end up sleeping here and that is exactly what's going to happen because Blake refuses to leave."              

I sigh. "Alright, I'll go see if she's still awake and willing to let me borrow it but if she's not, then you guys are shit out of luck."         

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