Chapter 13

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It's Monday, 7:50am and I'm just getting out of bed now, thanks to the fact that I hit snooze a couple of times. I have a class in ten minutes, so I shuffle into the bathroom like a zombie and when I look in the mirror, I see that my appearance resembles that of a troll. I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth and hair to look slightly presentable. Next, I just pick out some leggings and a random t-shirt and I'm ready to go.    

Yesterday passed without much excitement. I stayed home and worked on some assignments but other than that I didn't do much. Mia also dragged me out of the dorm for a walk around campus but that's about it. It was a boring and chill Sunday, just how I like it.     

Today however, is not so chill unfortunately. I have two classes and a lab which I am less than enthusiastic about. I get to my first class right on time with probably thirty seconds to spare and go right to my designated spot.        

I do the same thing for my next class and both go by quickly. The day isn't dragging on like I thought it would, making me almost think Mondays aren't the complete bane of my existence. I have a few minutes to spare before my lab, so I stop at the campus café to get a tea on the way.          

As I enter the lab, I find an empty spot at one of the lab benches and take a seat. People keep filing in while I go through the notifications on my phone.   

"Mind if I sit here?" I hear someone ask from beside me.      

I turn towards the person and find a kind-looking guy staring at me with a bright smile on his face. He's quite good looking, with light brown hair and sharp facial features. He's slightly taller than me and lean but not skinny.        

I smile back and respond with, "sure."        

He takes a seat and introduces himself. "Hi, I'm Kai, it's Sabrina, right?"    

I flush slightly. Why does it seem like everyone already knows me? This is literally an introvert's nightmare. What must people be saying about me for random strangers to recognize me?             

I clear my throat and answer him, "um yes, it's nice to meet you, Kai."       

The TA walks in right then and starts introducing herself, as well as what we will be doing throughout the semester. I kind of zone out as she goes on and on.    

"I think it would be the easiest if you paired up with whoever is sitting next to you, so that you can be lab partners." This zones me back into the conversation and I look over towards Kai, who's sitting next to me. "Alright, I think that's all for today. So, why don't you take the rest of class to get to know your lab partners, as you will be spending a considerable amount of time with them." She ends on that note and goes through some papers at her desk.           

"I guess I lucked out," Kai says to me.         

"I wouldn't be so sure if I was you. I could be a complete bitch for all you know."   

Kai laughs and shakes his head. "Fair enough, but I don't think you are. I think we'll get along just fine." He pauses, "so, where are you from Sabrina?"     

"I'm from Canada actually."           

"No way, me too. I'm from Vancouver."

"Well, I'm not too far from Toronto."         

"It's good to have a fellow Canadian close by."    

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