Chapter 17

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There is a knock on the door that echoes with a motivation that even I—an ex-athlete—have never felt before. It's successfully getting on my nerves. I roll over, stretching my arm as far as it will go to reach my phone with minimal effort, trying to preserve my sleepy state. The screen has the audacity to flash the fact that it is currently 5am. Someone is about to pay for disturbing my peaceful slumber.    

The knocking continues and remains persistent, mocking me.

"Mia!" I scream.   

Where is that bitch? She's always up early. How early though, I am not sure. Maybe she was also still sleeping? Surely, the knocking must have woken her up, though.              

Silence. I hear silence in response, but the knocking continues. Persistent motherfucker. Where is Mia?           

I get out of bed pissed beyond belief and wondering who has a death wish this early in the morning. I make my way through the still dark room since not even the sun has dared to rise so early. I stumble out of my bedroom and head towards the despicable sound at the door. I turn on the light in the hallway and squint while adjusting to the brightness. I swing the door open a little more forcefully than necessary.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I groan as soon as I see the culprit.

Standing in front of me in all his glory, is Blake looking like he just came off the runway. The fact that he looks so good this early in the morning, pisses me off that much more.            

"Morning sunshine," the asswipe grins at me. The audacity has me scoffing. My eyes turn into slits, glaring at the chipper bastard in front of me. His whole demeanour is offensive and the complete opposite of mine. How can one be so functional at this God forsaken hour?              

Before he has the chance to say anything else, I slam the door shut, and start walking back to my room. Unfortunately, I don't get very far before the knocking starts up again. I groan and tilt my head back, looking up at the ceiling, asking why me?    

I spin back around and open the door once again with newfound rage. "Blake, you are either an idiot or delusional. Leave, before I get violent."

My self-control is slowly slipping away, my anger taking over.          

"I know I'm risking my life right now, waking you up at this hour but I come baring a gift. The bus is leaving soon, so I had to do it now."        

"I don't want anything from you," I respond as I start to shut the door again but this time, he stops it before I can. I groan out in frustration when he proceeds to open the door wide again.

Deep breaths. I need to take some deep fucking breaths. I also might need to take an anger management class, but that's a discussion for later.  

"Here you go." He extends a large glass jar to me and when I realize what's inside, my anger subdues. It's filled to the brim with only red and purple skittles.    

I look up at him, the corners of my lips twitching upwards without consent.  

"What's this?" I ask like an idiot.          

You and Me? Never Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora