Chapter 26

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"Sabrina let's go! We're going to be late." Mia's screech reaches me from the other side of my door. The pitch of her voice lets me know that if I don't leave my room soon, she'll come and drag me out.          

I'm frantically shoving shit into my duffel bag at the last minute because later today I'll be on a flight back home for Christmas break. Today also happens to be the day of Blake's football game, which I stupidly agreed to attend. Right after the game, I'll be heading straight to the airport, which means I have to have my shit packed and with me, ready to go.             

With a huff, I stumble out of my bedroom with my suitcase and duffel bag. "Relax, even if we're a little late, we have saved seats, remember?"       

She looks at me as if I'm the definition of stupid. "You know I hate being late and I also want to buy snacks. If they're out of nachos like last time, I promise you, you'll be sorry."               

I lift my hands up in surrender. "Alright, then let's go."       

It doesn't take long to stuff my luggage into an Uber and start towards the stadium. I'm wearing a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie because I have a four hour flight ahead of me and I place comfort above all else. Yes, I may look slightly disheveled but at least I'm comfortable. I have no shame in strolling into a stadium full of people looking like this. I don't have a single flying fuck to give. The outfit Mia tried to squeeze me into didn't stand a chance against the comfort of my sweats.      

When we arrive at the stadium, I'm hauling my luggage behind me once again because I was told I could leave it in the guys' change room. Mia helps me drop my stuff off and then we go get some food and hopefully Mia's nachos because I do not want to be on the receiving end of her wrath. It took her a good two weeks for her to not glare at me every time she remembered they ran out last time.

It may or may not have been my fault that we were late, so I offered to buy her nachos afterwards from somewhere else. She refused and stated that they don't taste as good without the adrenaline from the game pumping through her veins. Luckily for me, they didn't run out today, so Mia is in a civil mood and the threat of her spontaneous combustion has been neutralized.    

By the time we make it to our seats and settle in, the players are already out in the field and doing something that resembles a warmup. We are a little late, but the game hasn't started yet so we haven't missed anything of importance so far.    

I sink into my seat and begin the ritualistic digging inside my skittles bag when I feel Mia's elbow in my side. I look up at her and she tilts her head towards the field making me look up. I feel the colour drain from me and immediately sink lower in my seat trying to become invisible.           

I can see Blake running towards us in the distance and I don't know what he's planning but I don't want to find out.

Remember when I said I didn't care about coming to the stadium looking like a troll? Well, that was because nobody pays attention to anything other than the field and the players out in the field. However, when said player starts charging towards you, he brings in a shit ton of unwanted attention with him.

The universe clearly likes to play sick jokes at my expense. I mean the one day I'm in sweats, with a messy bun that looks like a rat's nest on my head, he decides to make a scene. It's fucking ridiculous.           

Once he's close enough, he jumps over the fence and then the small concrete barricade. To my outmost displeasure he stops right in front of Mia and I, in all his sweaty glory. It's hard but I do my best to camouflage and become one with the seat that I progressively sink lower into.          

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